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[TRADE] Shiny Shop!
(Jan 1, 2016, 12:29 PM)CharizardSoOP21 Wrote:
(Jan 1, 2016, 12:27 PM)Jamman4life Wrote: Sorry for being stupid I kind of skimmed it but yea I'll look to see if I have any of thoese pokemon but I doubt it :I hope you get the shiny pokemon you want  Smile

Thnx! If you have any others I am interested in, I will gladly accept them Smile

I can give you a Magikarp lv 100 shiny for anything shiny
(Jan 1, 2016, 12:37 PM)Swimmingpenguin791 Wrote:
(Jan 1, 2016, 12:29 PM)CharizardSoOP21 Wrote:
(Jan 1, 2016, 12:27 PM)Jamman4life Wrote: Sorry for being stupid I kind of skimmed it but yea I'll look to see if I have any of thoese pokemon but I doubt it :I hope you get the shiny pokemon you want  Smile

Thnx! If you have any others I am interested in, I will gladly accept them Smile

I can give you a Magikarp lv 100 shiny for anything shiny

Will you take it for a Shiny Crobat? If not, how about a shiny Sealeo?
I'm one of the saddest, countriest, and beautifulest Ampharos around
I have got all shiny eevee evolutions except Shiny Umbreon
(Jan 1, 2016, 01:01 PM)wolfogo010 Wrote: I have got all shiny eevee evolutions except Shiny Umbreon

Why level are they? My shiny Umbreon is one of the few that are precious to me.
I'm one of the saddest, countriest, and beautifulest Ampharos around
What would you offer for a shiny level 100 Clawitzer?
i have some shiny eeveelutions, and i'm looking t your cresselia. I have a shiny umbreon in a cherish ball. (i evolved it from the event shiny eevee)
(Jan 3, 2016, 09:06 AM)TheWildShannon Wrote: i have some shiny eeveelutions, and i'm looking t your cresselia. I have a shiny umbreon in a cherish ball. (i evolved it from the event shiny eevee)

I traded my shiny Cresselia! Sorry for the inconvenience!
I'm one of the saddest, countriest, and beautifulest Ampharos around
I have a shiny gyrados caught at lake of rage.
Edit: read the initial post wrong, was looking for mewtwo >.< If interested, I have a shiny giratina or Ray I could possibly trade for different legends
Hello can you offer anything for my lvl 7 zigzagoon shiny? ^_^

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