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[TRADE] The VGC MegaStore! Get great BR Pokemon!
If you were to update the shop I'd suggest adding some VGC'16 Poke's as at the moment lots of people are looking for them
Can I give you a shiny xerneas for that shiny latios
wait i want some of those br pokes but if i give you a br landorus will you clone it and give it back
because i have a bunch of br pokes that i can trade *IF* you clone them
i also want so many pokemons Smile
like: breloom, hawlucha, rotom-wash, greninja, sylvion(pixilate), dusclops, gardevoir, staraptor, joltean, latios
i can give u pokemons like: all shiny (beedrill,butterfree,dustox,scrafty,hydreigon,talonflame,arcanine,ludicolo,aegislash....and more competitive shiny Smile
u will clone it and give it back right?
ty Smile
Pokémon desired: Wobuffet
Pokémon I'll trade you: Rayquaza
Ability: Air Lock
EVs: Maxed in Speed and Attack
... Jolly
- Extreme Speed
- Hyper Beam
- Dragon Pulse
- V-Create

Clone and trade back as well? Thanks
For the staraptor and pixilate sylveon I can give you a level 100 shiny snorlax level 73 shiny articuno. I have more if you are not interested in these two pokemon. Both of the pokemon have perfect stats
My FC: 1521-4710-0045
Do you still have the Jolteon???

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