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[TRADE] The Wicked Ranch: Competitive Bred Matching Ball Mons
BUMP added 9 Pokemon more and chanced Pokeball/HP/EM variations of 12 other Pokemon (Buizel, Shellos (West Sea), Shellos (East Sea), Buneary, Chatot, Gible, Riolu, Hippopotas, Croagunk, Finneon, Snover, Phione)

9 Pokemon I Added:

Species: Combee
Gender: Male or Female
Nature: Careful/Impish
IV's: 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Ability: Honey Gather
PokeBall: Luxury Ball
EggMoves: None

Species: Pachirisu
Gender: Male or Female
Nature: Impish
IV's: 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Ability: Volt Absorb
PokeBall: Dive Ball
EggMoves: Ion Deluge, Bestow, Follow Me, Fake Tears

Species: Cherubi
Gender: Male or Female
Nature: Timid
IV's: 31/XX/31/31/31/31
Ability: Chlorophyll
PokeBall: Love Ball
EggMoves: Flower Shield, Heal Pulse, Weather Ball, Aromatherapy

Species: Drifloon
Gender: Male or Female
Nature: Modest
IV's: 31/XX/31/31/31/31 OR 31/31/30/30/30/30 (For HP Fighting)
Ability: Unburden
PokeBall: Dusk Ball
EggMoves: Haze, Destiny Bond, Clear Smog, Disable. Can Have HP Fighting.

Species: Glameow
Gender: Male or Female
Nature: Jolly
IV's: 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Ability: Keen Eye
PokeBall: Dream Ball
EggMoves: Assurance, Bite, Quick Attack, Last Resort

Species: Stunky
Gender: Male or Female
Nature: Careful/Adamant
IV's: 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Ability: Aftermath
PokeBall: Dream Ball
EggMoves: Crunch, Foul Play, Play Rough, Pursuit

Species: Spiritomb
Gender: Male or Female
Nature: Brave/Quiet/Relaxed/Sassy
IV's: 31/31/31/XX/31/0 (Brave/Relaxed) 31/XX/31/31/31/0 (Quiet/Sassy)
Ability: Infiltrator
PokeBall: Dream Ball
EggMoves: Pain Split, Destiny Bond, Shadow Sneak, Foul Play

Species: Skorupi
Gender: Male or Female
Nature: Adamant/Jolly/Careful/Impish
IV's: 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Ability: Battle Armor
PokeBall: Dream Ball
EggMoves: Night Slash, Whirlwind, Agility, Pursuit

Species: Carnivine
Gender: Male or Female
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
IV's: 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Ability: Levitate
PokeBall: Nest Ball
EggMoves: Leech Seed, Slam, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore
3DS Friend Code: 1994-2119-6025
SuMo IGN - Moon

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reply - by MasterImpsy - Mar 3, 2015, 01:36 PM
reply - by MasterImpsy - Mar 3, 2015, 03:12 PM
RE: - by MasterImpsy - Mar 4, 2015, 04:55 PM
LF > Mantyke - by Pokeanu - Mar 5, 2015, 07:09 AM
Giveaway - by Pokeanu - Mar 5, 2015, 07:32 AM
RE: The Wicked Ranch: Competitive Bred Matching Ball Mons - by Wicked13 - Mar 11, 2015, 11:21 AM

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