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[TRADE] The Wicked Ranch: Competitive Bred Matching Ball Mons
Could you tell me which are the "Other ones" please :D cuz I already have the others
3DS Friend Code: 1994-2119-6025
SuMo IGN - Moon
(Feb 26, 2015, 01:00 PM)Wicked13 Wrote:
(Feb 26, 2015, 11:27 AM)LegendRatchet Wrote: could you breed a shiny male ralts (for gallade) with the nature adamant and 6 or 5 iv? (if 5 not in spatk) ? i am trying it on my own but i guess i have no luck Sad. And if you can what you want for in return?
I sure can but it'll take me a bit (1 week max i think) and I'd want another 5-6IV's competitive shiny Smile
(Feb 26, 2015, 12:18 PM)1harrisboy Wrote: I can offer you you a ledyba with its ha and the egg move silver wind and a sheer force krabby with the egg moves knock off, agility, and ancient power. I can also offer a adaptability skrelp with the egg moves venom drench, toxic spikes, and haze. Message me if you are interested
I'll take the Skrelp Smile I'll start breeding right away Smile

I'll take the damp mudkip I don't care about Iv's
would you take a shiny 6iv aggron for a feebas? Smile
The others are: mamoswine, pidgeot, camerupt, reshiram, porygon-z, dusknoir, amoongus, rotom, heatren,greninja, scizor, hitmonlee, aggron, tyrantrum, gengar, vulpix,smeargle, togekiss (and they all have pokerus)
i am interested in a 5-6 IV : Syther , Pawniard, and a Chansey <3 please let me know what you would like them i am in need of them so bad.
Psyduck nature: timid ability: cloud nine EM's hypnosis, psybeam, yawn, clear smog
Gligar nature: impish ability: immunity EM's sand tomb, agility, cross poison

I would be interested in a unburden timid treecko with dragon breath and defiant piplup
I can offer a impish Klefki with the egg moves Switcheroo and Iron Defence in a Luxury Ball for a female jolly Sneasel or adamant Teddiursa so I could pass the ball down :3. The Klefki has bad IVs tho
;-; I could breed one with better IVs if you want. :D
I would like a riolu please.
I have a few egg move pokemon, but is it any egg move or do you have a certain combination of moves that you want? Also, do you need these to be iv bred?
I have a 5 iv scyther. Would you like to trade for the riolu?
@1harrisboy: Deal I'll start breeding the mudkip right now :D
@KrystenJones: I sure will :D I'll start breeding right now :D
@LegendRatchet: Would you trade it for the camerupt? Smile
@Teachme2Poke: I could trade all 3 for a 5 IV Competitive shiny or all 3 for other 3 5IV mons Smile
@burgeman1102: Deal Smile I'll start breeding them right now
@Cloudcotton: the klefki for a teddiursa? :D
@greybeardhalt: I already have scythers is there anything else you can offer? Smile
3DS Friend Code: 1994-2119-6025
SuMo IGN - Moon

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