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[TRADE] Trading some shinies for shinies!
sure no problem
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
@Sharkfang2193 what shiny do you want from the list? I'll also add your fc now
i'm not really interested in any shiny pokemon i'll just take any non american pokemon you have in your box and if you dont have just choose a random pokemon
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
@Sharkfang2193 aww thats nice. I have a few foriegn dittos and some other Pokemon. we can look it over when we trade.
ok :D
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
(Jul 2, 2016, 02:03 AM)geetry Wrote: ok i'll trade the palkia for the Ho-Oh tomorrow because my 3ds ran out of energy

add my fc i'll add your's
@elicplayz I just got home, so let me know when you're ready.
i'm ready now
can you wait like ten mins im chaining
ok i'll wait Blush

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