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[TRADE] need help with hoenn pokedex
Probopass - Evolve Nosepass
Delcatty - Evolve Skitty
Crobat - Evolve Golbat
Minun - (X)Route 5; (AS)Route 110 (Horde Encounter)
Illumise - (X)Route 7, Friend Safari (Bug); (AS)Route 117
Roserade - Evolve Roselia
Gulpin - (X)Route 5; (AS)Route 110
Camerupt - (X)Friend Safari (Ground); (AS)From a Team Magma Grunt at the Battle Resort
Torkoal - (X)Route 18; (AS)Fiery Path
Weezing - (AS)Evolve Koffing
Zangoose - (X)Route 8
Solrock - (X)Glittering Cave
Barboach - (X)Route 14, Route 19 (Good Rod); (AS)Routes 111, 114, 120, Meteor Falls, Victory Road (Good Rod or Super Rod)
Baltoy - (AS)Route 111
Anorith - (X)Revive from Claw Fossil at the Ambrette Town Fossil Lab; (AS)Revive from Claw Fossil at Rustboro City's Devon Corporation
Igglybuff - Breed Jigglypuff or Wigglytuff
Chingling - (X)Route 111, Reflection Cave; (AS)Breed Chimecho holding a Pure Incense
Dusknoir - Evolve Dusclops
Phanpy - (X)Friend Safari (Ground); (AS)Breed Donphan
Rhyperior - Evolve Rhydon
Glalie - Evolve Snorunt; (AS)Event: transfer from Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Special Demo Version (International)
Spheal - (X)Friend Safari (Ice); (AS)Shoal Cave
Huntail - (X)Route 12 (Super Rod); (AS)Evolve Clamperl
Gorebyss - Evolve Clamperl
Wynaut - (X)Breed Wobbuffet holding a Lax Incense; (AS)Hatch Egg received from an old couple in Lavaridge Town
Horsea - (X)Ambrette Town, Cyllage City (Good Rod); (AS)Routes 130, 131, 132, 133, and 134, Sealed Chamber (Super Rod)
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.

Messages In This Thread
need help with hoenn pokedex - by Anton - Mar 12, 2016, 12:05 PM
RE: need help with hoenn pokedex - by Anton - Mar 12, 2016, 01:08 PM
RE: need help with hoenn pokedex - by Excalibur0126 - Mar 12, 2016, 01:52 PM
RE: need help with hoenn pokedex - by Anton - Mar 12, 2016, 03:04 PM
RE: need help with hoenn pokedex - by Kappa - Mar 13, 2016, 06:23 PM

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