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[TRADE] who wants to trade with my electabuzz holding a electirizer
I have a only 1 electabuzz holding a electirizer so you can trade in everything you want like a lengary a shiny pokemon everything you want to trade.
Hope you get electabuzz evoling also.
I have a HA Gible
Life only happens once. Make the most out of it.

I main Tracer for some reason...
My Friend Safari is Flying with Pidgey, Fletchiender and Swanna. Feel free to add me!

Also, my name is Hayden... Why am I Johnnyspyguy?
my friend code is 315375636115  do you want to add me
@megsball ok do u wanna trade
Life only happens once. Make the most out of it.

I main Tracer for some reason...
My Friend Safari is Flying with Pidgey, Fletchiender and Swanna. Feel free to add me!

Also, my name is Hayden... Why am I Johnnyspyguy?
sure lets trade, i am playing pokemon alpha sapphire
did johnnyspyguy trade with me
did you trade with me johnnyspyguy

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