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Thoughts on Gen 7?
Since gen 7 is almost nearing its end what are your thoughts on gen 7? Personally I found S/M to be really good Pokémon game and a good overall start to the gen until Ultra came out. It’s basically the same game as the original but with a far much worser story which makes it unjustified to be 2 separate games instead of a 3rd Version and then Let’s go happened. Personally I found Let’s go boring and just a lazy port. I found it to be way more underwhelming then gen 6 and that generation had tons of flaws.
Hey Noodles!
I must say, i disliked Gen 7 a lot. While playing through the game i didnt feel like it was a pokemon game, i know everyone dislikes HMs in their function, i always appreciated when you could fly through the map with your own pokemon and didn´t have to rely on some random charizard for transportation (or goddarn Mudsdale, they could have just left that out so you could walk everywhere normally :D). i could not get going with the island challanges instead of gyms, and i would have loved to walk through the whole map, which was/is obviously not possible with all the islands around. BUT of course this is only my personal preference, i am glad you enjoyed yourself playing sun/moon Smile

P.S.: i also really enjoyed gen 4 with your pokemon walking behind you, that gave a nice personal touch to you pokemon, hope they reintroduce that!
Hey Omas
I feel like Gen 7 was wasted potential. GameFreak really tired to change the formula of the games but their endeavors came up short. The Island trials seemed very short and seemed more like a side quest of a game instead of a main quest. Overall I feel like this gen did more harm then good
(Mar 20, 2019, 09:25 AM)Noodles Wrote: Hey Omas
I feel like Gen 7 was wasted potential. GameFreak really tired to change the formula of the games but their endeavors came up short. The Island trials seemed very short and seemed more like a side quest of a game instead of a main quest. Overall I feel like this gen did more harm then good

yeah, thats what i thought as well, there was no substance to the game and the aftergame was pretty lame in my opinion, i couldnt get myself to even try shinyhunting for example because i disliked the layout and the game overall that much..  i mean i will stick to gen 6 for now, but i will buy sword and shield for sure Smile
I reintroduced myself to Pokémon after US/UM came out, so my view of the games is as a former genwunner; though I have since played through every other generation to some extent.

I'm a big fan of Gen 7 generally. I liked the characters mainly, and the story as well (though I'll admit the Ultra games really seem to have gutted the drama of the 'Aether' family dynamic, as compared to S/M). I liked the challenge of the Trial battles, and the more competent AI. I liked the sheer number of different Pokémon available in the Ultra games - particularly all the Legendaries - as I'd missed out on quite a few generations of games, and had a lot of catching up to do. I also liked the scenery quite a bit; which I didn't think I would be all that into, going in. Also, there was so much to do sidequest-wise. There was a bloody TON of optional content in there, which I appreciate about any RPG.

There were things I didn't like, of course. The fact that S/M themselves seemed to have been released prematurely, only to be followed by the 'Ultra' versions; which appear to have been what the original games should have been in many respects. The RotomDex's inane rambling; which you must suffer through for all eternity, in exchange for those great power-ups. The linearity of pretty much the entire game was also pretty galling, considering how much they had already made it clear that they were pandering to young children throughout. This last bit seemed like adding insult to injury, in my opinion.

I dunno about you guys, but there were quite a few things I have changed my mind about since my first impressions of playing these games. Many of the characters grew on me with time, for instance. In fact, I've been meaning to write up an article for this forum about how my views of Team Skull changed throughout my first and subsequent playthroughs. I suppose I'd better do that before November, eh? Wink
I don't mind Gen 7. In fact, I've had a lot of fun with it. Not my favorite though.

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