Im starting to get into competitive battling in pokemon and I have a six iv scyther that I want to evolve into a scizor. The problem Im having is that I don't have that many friends to trade with and if someone could be so kind as to give me their friend code and be able to give my syther back, I'll give you any pokemon that you need because I also have an action replay. It would be greatly apreciated :D
ill take a pinsir bagon and paniard and i have to go to work ill be done in three hours if you're still interested
Sorry, I was busy with school. I'll be on all night!
you still want a male gible still i looked and i have a 5 iv gible but the only one i got with outrage is a female
I have a female with Outrage, so I just need a male with Rough Skin.
Just a few I also need:
Eevee (HA; Sylveon)
Kangaskahn (Scrappy)
Gible (Rough Skin)
Buneary (Limber)
Scyther (Technician)
Snover (Giga Drain)
Cleffa (Heal Pulse)
Torkoal (Yawn and Clear Smog)
I'm interested in a few, I have HA Mankeys, and Espurrs, shinx with fire fang, A jolly Larvitar with ddance and outrage, An adamant shuppet with dbond shadow sneak, and knock off, jolly Zubat with brave bird steel wing and Zen Headbutt
ill take a pinsir bagon and paniard and i have to go to work ill be done in three hours if you're still interested
Sorry, I was busy with school. I'll be on all night!
you still want a male gible still i looked and i have a 5 iv gible but the only one i got with outrage is a female
I have a female with Outrage, so I just need a male with Rough Skin.
Just a few I also need:
Eevee (HA; Sylveon)
Kangaskahn (Scrappy)
Gible (Rough Skin)
Buneary (Limber)
Scyther (Technician)
Snover (Giga Drain)
Cleffa (Heal Pulse)
Torkoal (Yawn and Clear Smog)
alright i got male with rough skin do you want the charmander and magikarp also
(Jan 29, 2015, 08:10 PM)Nickdance3 Wrote: I'm interested in a few, I have HA Mankeys, and Espurrs, shinx with fire fang, A jolly Larvitar with ddance and outrage, An adamant shuppet with dbond shadow sneak, and knock off, jolly Zubat with brave bird steel wing and Zen Headbutt
And I'll soon have some unburden belly drum swirlixs