Jan 29, 2015, 08:07 PM
(Jan 29, 2015, 07:44 PM)landymoss28 Wrote:I have a female with Outrage, so I just need a male with Rough Skin.(Jan 29, 2015, 07:38 PM)Danzick Wrote:you still want a male gible still i looked and i have a 5 iv gible but the only one i got with outrage is a female(Jan 28, 2015, 05:30 PM)landymoss28 Wrote:Sorry, I was busy with school. I'll be on all night!(Jan 28, 2015, 04:16 PM)Danzick Wrote: Interested in Gible, Charmander, and Magikarp, all male if you can.
x12/5 IV/Ralts/♂ or ♀/Jolly/Telepathy
x10/5 IV/Charmander/Timid/Blaze
x7/5 IV/Pinsir/Jolly/Hyper Cutter/Feint
x5/5 IV/Bagon/Adamant/Rock Head/Dragon Pulse/Hydro Pump/Dragon Dance
x6/4 IV/Froakie/Timid/Protean
x4/5 IV/Slowpoke/Bold/Oblivious
x4/5 IV/Fletchling/Adamant/Gale Wings
x4/5 IV/Pawniard/Adamant/Defiant/Sucker Punch
x2/5 IV/Ghastly/Timid/Levitate
ill take a pinsir bagon and paniard and i have to go to work ill be done in three hours if you're still interested
Just a few I also need:
Eevee (HA; Sylveon)
Kangaskahn (Scrappy)
Gible (Rough Skin)
Buneary (Limber)
Scyther (Technician)
Snover (Giga Drain)
Cleffa (Heal Pulse)
Torkoal (Yawn and Clear Smog)