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Trading? Read This First!
Trading Rules

1. Trade only legal Pokemon.

2. Trade only in-game Pokemon/items. No trading for real money or physical things and no trading of Pokemon TCG cards.

3. No scamming. Give your trade partner exactly what you say you're going to give them.

4. Trade at your own risk. We do not take responsibility for any bad trades. We can only take action to ban offenders from trading in this section and add them to the Unsafe Traders list.

5. You may only "bump" your own trade thread once every 4 hours. (Bumping is the act of making a post specifically to rise it to the top of the list of topics in the forum.)

6. While it is not required, providing users with +1 rep for successful trades is strongly recommended to help establish their trustworthiness in the community.

How to set up a quick trade

Make a new thread with what you're looking for for the subject and set your prefix to [TRADE]

You'll probably get more responses if you also let others know what you have to offer. Once you and another user agree to a trade, exchange your friend codes in the thread or by private message and commence the trade. Once the trade is successful, make a post in your thread that it was successful and private message a trade moderator or myself to get the topic closed.

Report any bad trades to moderators with as much detail as you can provide and we will take necessary action.

How to set up a trade shop

Should you have vast amounts of Pokemon you need or can provide, you may start a Trade Shop. (This is especially useful for breeders.) Make sure to come up with a catchy name and have something along the lines of "trade shop" in your subject when making your thread.
Examples: Flynn's Shiny Trade Shop or My Cupcake Shop

Be sure to list everything you have available of value (such as all those perfect breeds or shinies) and maybe give an idea of what you are looking for. You have more free reign here as long as you continue to provide a service. These threads will not be closed until requested by the owner or deemed not worthy of being a shop by a moderator. If you're only offering a few Pokemon, just make a normal quick trade thread.

Again, report any bad trades to moderators with as much detail as you can provide and we will take necessary action.
I'm the lead developer for the site! (Formerly My Cupcake Money)
[ My Stream | My Pokeradar Thing ]
Let me know if anything comes up~

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