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[US/UM] My Shinys or Legendaries For Master Balls
(Nov 25, 2017, 09:57 PM)jones9512 Wrote: Can I trade you a master ball for that shiny mew?

Ye Why not, 
Gona leave my Friend Code:
IGN: ibai

Tell me when u are ready to trade
I can trade you 1-2 balls if you want. Im interested in shiny Ditto and either shiny Mew(mainly) or Blacehpalon. @1vy83
                                        I ΔM DŌVΛ
@Dova can have the mew if he wants it i already have one anyway Big Grin
(Nov 26, 2017, 06:51 AM)Dova Wrote: I can trade you 1-2 balls if you want. Im interested in shiny Ditto and either shiny Mew(mainly) or Blacehpalon. @1vy83

Srry I have trade the ditto for 2 Masterballs.
I've got Blacehpalon if you want. I'm now online.

Talk me on Discord.
Name: 1vy83
I am online if you want to trade my code is 2363-6137-2610

(Nov 26, 2017, 10:46 AM)jones9512 Wrote: I am online if you want to trade my code is 2363-6137-2610


Thanks Mate
@edit: Mew Shiny traded

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