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Ultimate Marshadow code giveaway
(Sep 20, 2017, 06:16 PM)Zaybeastie25 Wrote: Next month I will be doing a marshadow code giveaway for those who have yet to obtain one in their game. The rules are as follows you con only get one code no matter how many games you have. I will be accepting advance request on reserving a code. I will not accept any Pokémon for trades due to giving the codes out to everyone for kindness. Be sure to send me a message to reserve a code and check your messages mid October to see your code. These codes are real because I will be receiving them from game stop who gets tem from Nintendo. Good luck to everyone and enjoy your time hunting down all the mons out there. If they codes are region locked then I will reset my moon version to obtain the marshdows on it and trade them through the link trading system and thank you for those who pm me to reserve a code

Is it too late to enter? also youve met your pm quota.
Is still going on???
Would love to enter if still at all possible!
do you still have any codes available?

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