Mar 20, 2015, 03:26 PM
Guys I've been here for a while and battled ALOT. Now i'm not complaining but I have seen a running trend in tournaments and battles. People always complain when someone brings a Legend to a VGC battle or an OU battle if you play Smogon. LEGENDS ARE GOOD! All the legal legends that are in VGC are legal for a reason and part of the format and official meta game. Why do people complain when I send out Lando-T (I dont use Lando-T im using this as an example) but when someone else uses Garchomp no one bats an eye? They both have the same base stats, the same typing with ground, and the same common weakness in Ice. Now Lando-T gets intimidate instead of Chomp's rough skin or sand veil but still, legal legends are part of the official format of the pokemon world championships. Im not saying that you have to use legends, just dont complain next time someone does