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[VGC] No Guts, No Glory! An Analysis on the Guts Ability
Guts is a rather interesting ability introduced in Generation 3 as the signature ability of Makuhita and Hariyama that boosts a Pokémon's Attack stat by 50% when afflicted with any of the major status conditions (PSN, PAR, BRN, SLP, FRZ), and is a parallel to the ability Marvel Scale which boosts Defense by 50% instead of attack.

Since the third generation, quite a few Pokémon have received this ability, and here, we will discuss how to effectively utilize this ability in the VGC Metagame. This analysis will include individual calculations, concepts for good support Pokémon, the best ways to activate Guts, and ways to take out a potential Guts user.

As of Gen 6, there are 10 fully evolved Pokéemon with the ability Guts. I have listed them below, with the best Guts users bolded out for easy identification


[Image: 068.gif]

Machamp's best strength among the Guts users is it has one of the highest base attack stats among them, rivaled only by Flareon and Conkeldurr. While Conkeldurr does have better bulk and a higher base attack, Machamp is better largely because of its well-balanced defenses and access to better STAB and coverage moves (such as Close Combat, Cross Chop, Bullet Punch, and Knock Off). In addition, Conkeldurr would be much better run with one of it's other two abilities (Sheer Force or Iron Fist). While it's more common to see Machamp run with it's ability No Guard in tandem with Dynamic Punch, Guts is still a viable set to boost his already great attack. A Guts boosted Machamp can OHKO heavy hitters like Mega Kang (Close Combat vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Mega Kangaskhan: 644-762 (182.9 - 216.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO), Mega Mawile (Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mega Mawile: 525-618 (334.3 - 393.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO, Fire Punch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mega Mawile: 438-516 (278.9 - 328.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO), and Terrakion (Close Combat vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 704-830 (217.2 - 256.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO, Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 392-462 (120.9 - 142.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO). It can also handle threats like Mega Gardevoir (Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 392-462 (120.9 - 142.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO), Mega Salamence (Ice Punch vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Mega Salamence: 428-508 (128.9 - 153%) -- guaranteed OHKO), and Mega Gengar Knock Off vs. 224 HP / 252 Def Mega Gengar: 214-252 (67.5 - 79.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO)

[Image: 214.gif]

Among the top Guts users, Heracross is the fastest, with a decent base speed of 85. It also has defenses matching those of Machamp, with just a little bit of redistribution. While it does prevent access to the ever present Mega Heracross/Skill Link set, Guts Heracross can still match wits with a lot of tough pokemon. It also has access to a few more interesting attack options like Shadow Claw, Aerial Ace, and Night Slash. Surprises that might be just what you need to keep your opponent on their toes! When it comes to taking hits, Heracross dishes out hits like it's four-armed brother Machamp against opponents like Thundurus Stone Edge vs. 212 HP / 128 Def Thundurus: 362-426 (102.8 - 121%) -- guaranteed OHKO) and Chandelure (Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Chandelure: 336-396 (128.7 - 151.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO)

[Image: 297.gif]

Hariyama boasts the highest base HP of all the Pokémon with Guts, allowing it to tank hits and retaliate with a fearsome blow. It interestingly has access to Belly Drum which could further boost your attacking power, but that is an extremely risky move. Against scary strong opponents, Hariyama hardly blinks. Talonflame makes a small dent (Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 128 Def Hariyama: 140-166 (32.6 - 38.6%)), and Hariyama can survive shots from Mega Gallade (Zen Headbutt vs. 0 HP / 128 Def Hariyama: 392-464 (91.3 - 108.1%) -- 50% chance to OHKO) and Sylveon (Hyper Voice vs. 0 HP / 128 SpD Hariyama: 342-404 (79.7 - 94.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after burn damage) In return, Hariyama hits hard one-shotting Talonflame (Stone Edge vs. 80 HP / 0 Def Talonflame: 900-1060 (283.9 - 334.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO) and Sylveon (Iron Head vs. 244 HP / 0 Def Sylveon: 384-454 (97.9 - 115.8%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO), and taking down Mega Gallade in two hits (Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Mega Gallade: 177-209 (63.6 - 75.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO)

[Image: 538.gif]

Last, but not least, is Throh, who is a great combination of the high HP of Hariyama, balanced defenses of Machamp, and versatility of Heracross. Throh also has access to the move Storm Throw, which always lands a critical hit, turning it into a base 90 power move unaffected by stat changes. A bit weaker than Close Combat, but you also don't have to worry about Intimidate or any Defense boost from the opponent. Throh can deal out hits much like Machamp, OHKOing Mega Gardevoir (Poison Jab vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Mega Gardevoir: 340-402 (122.3 - 144.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO) with the possibility of doing the same to Mega Gengar (Earthquake vs. 224 HP / 252 Def Mega Gengar: 272-322 (85.8 - 101.5%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO). Running Throh with Bulk Up is definitely viable to give you a little more POW! behind your punch.

As Guts only takes effect when afflicted with a major status condition, the most important part of getting it to work properly is having your Guts user get hit with such a status condition. You could wait for your opponent to do that for you, but that is both impractical and risky, as they might never do it or hit you with a condition like Sleep or Toxic Poison. The best thing to do is activate it yourself through an item or a move. By far, the best status to get hit with is Burn, as the attack loss you would normally get no longer comes into play. Regular Poison is just as good, but that is much harder to inflict on your own Pokémon.

[Image: PDW_Item_Flame_Orb.png]
Flame Orb

The most common combination used with Guts is to have your Pokémon hold a Flame Orb and give them either a set up move (like Bulk Up) or Protect so when turn 1 ends, your pokemon gets hit with the Burn condition and can start dishing out hits. It's a fairly decent strategy at the cost of your item slot. However, their are other ways to have your Pokémon get hit with the nasty fire condition as well that will allow you to keep their item slot free for something more beneficial.

[Image: 300px-Will-O-Wisp.png]

Another option is to have a support Pokémon (preferably with Prankster) to hit your own Pokémon with the move Will-O-Wisp. Prankster will allow the move to go first so your Guts user can get immediate benefit of their ability and also keep allow them to hold an item to help them out in other ways. Prankster Pokémon that could easily fill this roll are Mega Banette and Sableye, but you could also use any Pokémon who can learn Will-O-Wisp to perform this role.

[Image: Psycho_Shift_V.png]
Psycho Shift

The last, and probably most obscure, way of setting up a Guts user is through a Psychic-type move called Psycho Shift. It transfers the user's status condition to the target (so long as the target doesn't already have one). It is best utilized when put on a Pokémon with Magic Guard, who would take no damage from any status moves anyway due to the ability. Giving them the Flame Orb again gives the Guts Pokémon the ability to hold another item while still activating Guts. The only two Pokémon who can utilize this strategy are Sigilyph and Alakazam (who has to have Psycho Shift CHAIN bred onto it, but if you really want it that badly...)


Every strategy needs support and there are quite a few ways to lend it to Guts Pokémon!

[Image: Rage_Powder_V.png]
Move Redirection

A good way to protect your Guts user and allow them to set up is with move redirection through the moves Rage Powder and Follow Me. Most of the Pokémon that can learn these moves are pretty bulky (like Eviolite Togetic, Clefable, Amoonguss, and Tangrowth) and can take a hit to let your Guts user build up some momentum to hit your opponent hard.

[Image: Sleep_V.png]
Other Status Conditions

Inflicting status conditions on your opponent is a great thing to do all the time, and it really helps your Guts user, whether it be nerfing your opponents attack with a Burn or preventing them from hitting as often with Sleep or Paralysis. Any Prankster Pokémon or other disruptor would be a good choice to lend a hand to your hard hitting teammate.

[Image: 300px-Heal_Pulse.png]
Heal Pulse

A curious note for support in the Guts game, but the move Heal Pulse is a great choice for keeping your Guts user alive. Since they'll be taking damage every turn from the (probable) Burn status they have, a Pokémon with Heal Pulse can recover them to keep fighting. Interestingly enough, Gardevoir can act both as the activator of Guts and support with a Will-O-Wisp/Heal Pulse combo. Of importance, Heal Pulse typically recovers 50% of the target's HP, but that is increased to 75% when the Pokémon using it has Mega Launcher (i.e. Clawitzer)

Finally, we make our way to countering the Guts ability. As unlikely as it is that you'll actually run into someone using it, the best way to counter it is to cripple the user with a status condition that prevents them from attacking, such as Sleep, Freeze, or Paralysis. You could also hit the Guts user with a Confuse Ray or a Swagger so their Guts backfires and does more damage (instead of less due to burn) when they hit themselves. Of course, the end all, be all solution to anything is to just hit it hard enough to one shot it. ;P

And that's it! A (probably not) complete guide to the Guts ability! I hope you enjoyed reading and I plan to present more threads with information about strategies involving other Abilities! Until next time!


EDIT: I failed to mention that Belly Drum on Hariyama is viable if you use one of the other two methods of activating Guts and give it a Sitrus Berry, maxing your attack and ending with 75% of your health instead of 50%, which is good when considering Hariyama's bulk.

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