(VGC 2017) Gyarados - Physical Attacker - 3 Options
![[Image: gyarados___aqua_tail_by_ishmam-d7xggup.png]](http://pre10.deviantart.net/f4b8/th/pre/i/2014/243/e/5/gyarados___aqua_tail_by_ishmam-d7xggup.png)
Deviant Art by ishmam
The Atrocious Pokemon, Gyarados returns to the VGC scene as one of the most threatening setup-based Water-type Pokemon in the format, and for good reason. Looking at its base stats, Gyarados has impressive bulk with 95 HP / 79 Def / 100 SpDef paired even with the Intimidate ability to reduce the physical damage output of opposing side. The highest notable stat is the base 125 Attack which allows Gyarados to hit incredibly hard with the combination of Waterfall, Ice Fang, Earthquake, or even Waterium Z Waterfall. With its Water/Flying-typing, Gyarados has some unique resistances to types such as Fire-, Fighting-, Bug-, Steel-, Water-, and most importantly one immunity to the ever common Ground-type. Factoring in all these traits, Gyarados can use its Dragon Dance setup-based move to raise both its attack and mediocre base 81 speed stats to frightening levels, even so can potentially punch holes in teams. If Gyarados manages to setup multiple Dragon Dances with sufficient attack, it can sweep opposing teams with little ease.
Gyarados might be a threatening part Water-type Pokemon with strong attributes going for it, but there are some rather notable weaknesses. Keep in mind, Gyarados is still notably weak to Rock- and the ever present Electric-types. Given both Water/Flying makes Gyarados quad weak to Electric-type attacks, this makes Gyarados a prime target to be electrocuted easily, especially with fast Electric-types such as Alolan Raichu, Xurkitree, or Tapu Koko. Storm Drain Pokemon, aka Gastrodon is a hard check to Gyarados as it prevents it from using its single-target Water-type attacks and renders it almost useless. Even so, key to Gyarados's strength lies in setting up Dragon Dances, as it can't pick up proper OHKOs.
Even so, Gyarados remains as one of strongest setup-based Pokemon in the VGC format at the moment. Gyarados has the potential to threaten common Pokemon such as Arcanine, Garchomp, Salamence, Pheromosa, Mudsdale, etc which all can severely weak to any of its physical attacks. An important thing to consider is Gyarados is one of the few Intimidate users with Ground-type immunity, so it can switch in on an opposing Ground-type attacks, and be used to pair with other Ground-types to spam Earthquake. Even so, Waterium Z paired with Waterfall is a devastating nuke option against any neutral target, especially if Gyarados manages to get a Dragon Dance up. In short, Gyarados is one of the strongest physical attackers in the vgc format with great typing, good defensive value, and potential sweeping potential.
![[Image: gyarados.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen1/gyarados.png)

Base Stats: 95 HP / 125 Attack / 79 Defense / 65 Special Attack / 100 Special Defense / 81 Speed



Abilities: Intimidate - Drops the foe(s) Attack Stat by one stage.
Hidden Ability: Moxie - Raises the users attack stat by one stage every time it knock out a Pokemon, including its Ally.
Waterium Z Attacker
![[Image: gyarados.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen1/gyarados.png)
![[Image: gyarados.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen1/gyarados.png)
Gyarados @ Waterium Z
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 52 HP / 196 Atk / 76 Def / 4 SpD / 180 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Waterfall
- Dragon Dance
- Ice Fang / Earthquake / Taunt
- Protect
-OHKOs 252 HP Celesteela with a +1 Hydro Vortex.
-Enough speed to outspeed base 117 or Salazzle by one point.
-OHKOs Tapu Koko with +1 Earthquake
-Survives a Wild Charge from Adamant Arcanine.
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 52 HP / 196 Atk / 76 Def / 4 SpD / 180 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Waterfall
- Dragon Dance
- Ice Fang / Earthquake / Taunt
- Protect
-OHKOs 252 HP Celesteela with a +1 Hydro Vortex.
-Enough speed to outspeed base 117 or Salazzle by one point.
-OHKOs Tapu Koko with +1 Earthquake
-Survives a Wild Charge from Adamant Arcanine.
In regards to this Gyarados's moveset, it speaks for itself given it simple, yet effective use over the years. STAB Waterfall is Gyarados's "best" Water-type attack with a base 80 power and the potential 20% chance to flinch down opponents. Dragon Dance is the crux of any Gyarados set given how it raises the attack and speed stats of Gyarados by one stage each, making it a incredibly powerful physical sweeper. In terms of the coverage options, Ice Fang allows Gyarados to hit opposing Grass-, Dragon-, and Flying-type Pokemon such as Salamance, Garchomp, Tapu Bulu, etc relatively hard, especially when boosted. Earthquake is an alternative coverage option for opposing Electric- and Rock-type Pokemon such as Nihilego, Alolan Raichu, or Tapu Koko who all threaten Gyarados, but can't take a strong Ground-type hit. Taunt is listed down to allow Gyarados to prevent opposing setup options such as Trick Room. Lastly Protect can be used to scout for coverage or gain better positioning.
Here's a standard Gyarados build with a notably strong EV Spread which compensates some power and speed for a bit of bulk. At +1 Speed, this Gyarados should be fast enough to outspeed Salazzle by one point as well as anything below base 116 or below. Obviously the main goal of Dragon Dance Gyarados is to "setup" to how many Attack (and Speed) raises they can achieve to overwhelm the opponent with STAB Waterfall, Ice Fang / EQ Coverage, or even the Waterium Z. With the Intimidate ability to reduce the attack stat by one stage against both Pokemon, Gyarados can get multiple setup opportunities throughout against the opposing team, especially if they are physical attackers or mons without the proper coverage moves. Keep in mind this Gyarados can switch in well against resisted or neutral target who are physically-based, this will deplete its HP, therefore lose out in setup chances.
The idea of using Waterium Z is to have a powerful "nuke" option for the player to utilize, especially when Gyarados can setup with Dragon Dance. After a single boost, Hydro Vortex should be able to pick up the knock out on most, it not any neutral Pokemon on the field. To get an idea of how strong Gyarados an be with one Dragon Dance boost, here's a list of Damage Calcs below:
Offensive Calcs
Here's a standard Gyarados build with a notably strong EV Spread which compensates some power and speed for a bit of bulk. At +1 Speed, this Gyarados should be fast enough to outspeed Salazzle by one point as well as anything below base 116 or below. Obviously the main goal of Dragon Dance Gyarados is to "setup" to how many Attack (and Speed) raises they can achieve to overwhelm the opponent with STAB Waterfall, Ice Fang / EQ Coverage, or even the Waterium Z. With the Intimidate ability to reduce the attack stat by one stage against both Pokemon, Gyarados can get multiple setup opportunities throughout against the opposing team, especially if they are physical attackers or mons without the proper coverage moves. Keep in mind this Gyarados can switch in well against resisted or neutral target who are physically-based, this will deplete its HP, therefore lose out in setup chances.
The idea of using Waterium Z is to have a powerful "nuke" option for the player to utilize, especially when Gyarados can setup with Dragon Dance. After a single boost, Hydro Vortex should be able to pick up the knock out on most, it not any neutral Pokemon on the field. To get an idea of how strong Gyarados an be with one Dragon Dance boost, here's a list of Damage Calcs below:
Offensive Calcs
Defensive Calcs
![[Image: gyarados.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen1/gyarados.png)
![[Image: gyarados.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen1/gyarados.png)
Gyarados @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 180 Def / 76 SpD
Careful Nature
- Waterfall
- Taunt
- Roar / Thunder Wave
- Protect
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 180 Def / 76 SpD
Careful Nature
- Waterfall
- Taunt
- Roar / Thunder Wave
- Protect
This Gyarados set is meant to be a support-based Pokemon thanks to its rather interesting coverage options to stop certain setup-based strategies. To explain some of its movepool, Waterfall is listed down for general STAB purposes and as Gyarados's best STAB. Taunt is a great support move as it can disrupt any potential setup-bases strategies used by the opponent. Roar is a rather interesting option to have on a Doubles-based team, though it allows Gyarados to phaze out opposing targets for another Pokemon. The main use of Roar is to prevent the opposing Trick Room setup, or phaze out any Pokemon who has too many stat boosts. Aside Protect, Thunder Wave is a decent speed control option given it can paralyze opposing Pokemon with their speed being reduced to half.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs
Choice Scarf
![[Image: gyarados.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen1/gyarados.png)
Gyarados @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Waterfall
- Ice Fang
- Flamethrower
- Earthquake
-Outspeeds +1 base 80 Pokemon.
- Flamethrower can OHKO most non-Specially Defensive Kartana
- Flamethrower can OHKO most non-Specially Defensive Kartana
Sounds weird running a "Scarf" Gyarados with the potential for setup, however lets elaborate about this set. Gyarados already has a base attack of 125 and a rather "modest" speed value of 81, which won't necessarily outspeed most naturally fast Pokemon like Tapu Koko. With the Choice Scarf, Gyarados has enough speed to outspeed essentially most Pokemon in the format to get a quick damage or pick off Pokemon who are fairly weaken from the battle. Waterfall is Gyarados standard STAB choice to hit Fire-, Ground-, Rock-, and most frail Pokemon rather hard. Ice Fang and Earthquake give Gyarados some coverage options against opposing Grass-, Electric-, Flying-, and Dragon-type who aren't expect a fast coverage attack. Lastly, Flamethrower is a great tech option for opposing Kartana who aren't expecting a Fire-type coverage, though note AV or fully Specially Defensive variants can take the hit. In short, use this Gyarados as a way net quick OHKOs or pick off weaken Pokemon for the late game.
Offensive Calcs:
Potential Teammates include, but aren't limited to:
- Ground-Types - Though self explanatory, a Ground-type partners is perhaps one of the Gyarados user's biggest needs given 1) they handly both the Water/Flying-type's Electric- and Rock-type weakness, and 2) allow Ground-types to freely spam STAB Earthquake given Gyarados's part Flying-type. Such examples of Ground-type Pokemon include Garchomp, Krookodile, Mudsdale, etc.
- Electric-Types - One problematic type Gyarados has to deal with are opposing Water-type Pokemon who are fairly defensive enough to take a hit. Electric-type Pokemon such as Tapu Koko, Alolan Raichu, Xurkitree, etc are good partners to beat most Water pokemon in the format. In additon, Gyarados can threaten opposing Ground- or Dragon-types (with Ice Fang) given its coverage, Intimidate ability, and high attack stat.
- Fire-Types - Grass-type Pokemon with moderately high defenses (Tapu Bulu, Kartana) are capable of potentially shutting down most Gyarados before they can do their setup or support. In that case, Fire-types such as Arcanine, Alolan Marowak, Talonflame, Incineroar, etc are able to threaten most Grass-types (and forgot Ice-types with Freeze Dry) with a powerful STAB hits.
- Grass-Types - Since most Water-, Rock-, and Electric-type Pokemon are probematic for Gyarados to handle both and offensive and defensive standpoint, having a Grass Pokemon can partner well with Gyarados. Grass-types like Tapu Bulu, Kartana, Dhelmise, etc are able not only threaten opposing Water-, and Rock-type Pokemon with their heavy STAB options, but can take a resisted Electric attack well for Gyarados.
- Lightening Rod Support - With the rise of strong Electric-Type Pokemon such as Tapu Koko, Alolan Raichu, Xurkitree, etc there's been shift in using Pokemon with the Lightening Rod ability to cover Gyarados from hazerdous single-target Electric-type attacks. (Ex. Alolan Marowak, Togedemaru, etc)
- "Frail" Pokemon who Need Intimidate Support - To elaborate further, there are many Pokemon with low HP / Defense stats who can't invest highly into those stats for the sake of optimal power. Such Pokemon like Tapu Lele, Tapu Koko, Kartana, Alolan Raichu, Alolan Marowak, etc love to have Intimidate support so they can take at least one potential strong or super effective physical hit.
- Electric-types - Alolan Raichu, Tapu Koko, Xurkitree, Magnezone, Lanturn, Vikabolt, Oricorio-Electric,
- Rock-types - Gigalith, Nihilego, Alolan Golem, Aerodactly, etc
- Storm Drain Pokemon - Gastrodon, Lumineon
- Intimidate Spam - Salamence, Arcanine, Krookodile, etc
- Competitive / Defiant Users - Milotic, Braviary, etc
- Pokemon with Electric-type Coverage.
- Burn Status
- Type-Reducing Berries such as the Wacan and Charti Berry can help Gyarados take a super effective hit.
- Leftovers can help Gyarados gradually replenish about 6.25% of its HP every turn.
- Lum Berry can prevent any Status conditions inflicted on Gyarados.
- Rocky Helmet can be used to help deal residual damage against Pokemon who make contact with Gyarados.
- Life Orb increases the damage output for Gyarados by 1.3x, though in exchanges loses 10% of its HP total.
Will have another Pokemon writeup this week so cya.