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[VGC] hosting vgc tourny this weeekend
on saturday i will be hosting a vgc tourny starting at 2 est if you are intersted private message me there will be a 5 iv toxic boost zangoos for the first prize and there will be 2 and 3 prizes to just have not figured out what im going to have if you have any ideas message me those to
#2 here is the bracket just so everyone knows i am serious
I should be available for this
good so im looking to give away pokemon i have two 5 iv toxic boost zangoose missing spa adement nature i just need a first place prize now what do you think i should give away because i am going to be trying to do a tourny like this if not every week every month
If my team is ready by this weekend I'd be down. I'll let you know.
ok i need everyone to let me know if they wana join by friday so i can see how many i will have
I'll let you know by then! Wink
Darn it. Busy Saturday. Wish it was on Sunday.
i mean if everyone is fine doing it on sunday i can move it to sunday
I'd be down for Sunday cuz I'd have more time to finish my team... :P

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