Poll: Next Giveaway?
This poll is closed.
Legendary Trios
47 43.52%
Grass Starters
13 12.04%
Generational Birds
10 9.26%
Generational Bugs
8 7.41%
Pokemon that evolve while trading (Alakazam)
30 27.78%
Total 108 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

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Week 7: Weather Teams (CLOSED)
May I reserve Politoad, Shiftry, Ninetales, Excadrill, Siesmitoad and Abomasnow!

Pokemon requested: Ninetales ( Nick: Kurama )
Pokemon deposited: Makuhita
Gender of deposited: Male
Level of deposited: 9
Message: moo311

I cant be online when you're online so i gotta hope to net get sniped
Can I reserve every single one of them except Ludicolo?
If so I´ll be very happy buddy. Thanks
@moo311  am I able to reserve one of each expect for excadrill
in the words of my granddad "it takes a strong man to stand up for himself but it takes a stronger man to stand up for others".         Which one are you?!
Pokemon requested: Hippowdon 
Pokemon deposited: scyther
Gender of deposited: female
Level of deposited: 1
Message: moo311
@Shifu Enjoy Smile
@ihcsankml Enjoy Smile
(Aug 18, 2016, 07:24 PM)moo311 Wrote: @Shifu Enjoy Smile
@ihcsankml Enjoy Smile

thx :D :D
Pokemon requested: Hippowdon
Pokemon deposited: Elgyem
Gender of deposited: Female
Level of deposited: 30
Message: moo311

Thank you!
Pokemon requested: Ludicolo
Pokemon deposited: abra
Gender of deposited: male
Level of deposited: 1
Message: moo311
Pokemon requested: Politoed 
Pokemon deposited: Archen
Gender of deposited: Female
Level of deposited: 20
Message: moo311

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