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Who nicknames their pokemon
My nicknames vary, sometimes i use humor such as Sandjobs for Sandslash or Dyfs for Mega Kang, nicknames that i feel suit the pokemon like RipTide for Swampert or HeatStroke for Charizard Y. Sometimes I re-use nicknames from a nuzlocke where the pokemon made a great impact. For example i used a Abra named Waffles in my pokemon Leaf Green nuzlocke (which i plan on making a comic out of so no spoilers) so i now name all my Abras Waffles. When i cant think of one i use inside jokes i have between my friends like Douglass the Camerupt and Holmes the Hariyama. And Finally anything that rhymes with Swag is Swag. (Swagsire, Swagnezone, Swagmortar, PoliSwag, etc Kappa)
"Oh good, he isn't mod anymore"


(Apr 14, 2015, 07:09 PM)MudkipLegend Wrote: PoliSwag, etc Kappa)


I'm very odd so I nickname my pokes names that make people laugh or names that make me crack up. For example my lapras (Lapdance) Slowbro (Slowbruh) Sharpedo (Sharkeisha) etc etc. XD
(Apr 14, 2015, 08:05 PM)LeonardoSquidBee Wrote: I'm very odd so I nickname my pokes names that make people laugh or names that make me crack up. For example my lapras (Lapdance) Slowbro (Slowbruh) Sharpedo (Sharkeisha) Tortera (Tortilla/Torta)etc etc. XD
i have a mega venusaur called RIP death awaits cuz ma venusaur got that bulk and your attacks can even touch me cuz i'll synthesis in your face with all hard work to get me in the red area to go away!wait a sec...does that even make any sense?!
(Apr 14, 2015, 04:59 PM)MARSxVenom Wrote: something i like to do when nicknaming mons is to take their Japanese names or just Japanese words that make sense with them. Otherwise just whatever comes to my head that i think makes a good nickname for the mon. If both those fail then i just use name rater online and steal one from them Kappa
i actually do the same many of my Pokemon have Japanese names like Toshiro my greninja my Arcanine and Ninetailes are called hoga-sha= guardian and unmei destiny together they are the guardians of destiny
but i use google translate so i cant guarantee accuracy
The only nickname theme I consistently stick with - no matter what - is to nickname all ghost types after Scooby-Doo villains.
eg, Chandelure = Lord Infernicus
Gengar = Shreiko etc :D
I tend to just give them the first word or name that pops up. Of course, it can be really lame like JawsMcgee for my Feraligatr or Buddy for my Venasaur. XP
I always nickname my pokemon. I have had teams with names focusing around Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, stuff like that usually. It freaks me out when they are just called their original name because it's like calling your dog "Dog" or lizard "Leopard Gecko."

Although a friend traded me a weedle named GAYAIDS which is now a Beedrill named GAYAIDS.

My team example:

Mamoswine- Hodor
Salamence- Sejuani
Galvantula- Aragog
Malamar- Malacath
Azumarill- River Song
Amoongus- Samwise
I like to nickname my pokémon I use and like, especially my shinies. Bred a shiny adventure team for ORAS and gave them all nicknames. Shady Lady the Gengar, after a 70's psychedelic rock song. Yggdrasil the Sceptile, from the norse mythology. Camwyn the Dragonite from the Paksenarrion books. Fafnir the Charizard, also from norse mythology. I recently renamed it Dragonthing, though, as a reference to a webcomic. Bubba the Feraligatr, just 'cause it looks like a Bubba. Last one was Tsukihime the Gardevoir, from Tsukihime.

My naming sense is all over the place, mythology, books, anime, webcomics, puns or just random names I like. I have a shiny Kangaskhan I named Wrath of Mom and a shiny Umbreon I named after a pet that passed away a few years back. Nattsmygaren (translation: nightstalker). Named a shiny Abra I hatched Neville, 'cause it was useless but still powerful (had like 4 IV's in HP.)

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