Mar 3, 2017, 05:53 PM
Hey Guys!
Looking for some friend safaris, but I'll add anyone and everyone!
I am looking specifically for a:
Fire safari - either ponyta or growlithe, and larvesta, and ninetails
electric safari - emolga or pachirisu
Water Safari - floatzel and azumarill or frogadier
my safari is
Bug: Combee, Beautifly and Venamoth.
Please let me know if you'd like to exchange friend codes!!
Looking for some friend safaris, but I'll add anyone and everyone!
I am looking specifically for a:
Fire safari - either ponyta or growlithe, and larvesta, and ninetails
electric safari - emolga or pachirisu
Water Safari - floatzel and azumarill or frogadier
my safari is
Bug: Combee, Beautifly and Venamoth.
Please let me know if you'd like to exchange friend codes!!