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[XY] Looking for friend codes for safari
Hey i'm looking for friends for pokemon x and y to get a few extra friend safaris. I also like doing breeding projects, trading, battling, and im online frequently

my friend code is 2466-5685-1324

please post yours and I'll add you

thanks ^^
I'm on most of the time and my FC is:
2681-2757-2233 and my IGN is Blake! Being honest, I'm not on my Y that much but when I am, I'm training hard and trading with my friends! I don't know my fs though >.<. Edit: My friend safari is Flying with Hoot-Hoot, Farfetch'd, and another thing that I don't know.
I'm one of the saddest, countriest, and beautifulest Ampharos around
FC: 0109-2927-0184
IGN: Josh

Not sure what my FS is lol. I'm not on Y much either but FS's are something I should look into more.
it's 2022 and we livin
Hi, my friend code is 4914 6559 6886 and my IGN is Shelby. My friend safari is a fighting type with Pancham, Machoke, and Hariyama.
entered everyone! my IGN is Chaser

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