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Xander Fyfe from Youtube
Hey guys I'm Xander Fyfe I currently own a YouTube channel called Spanked silly with over 175,000 subscribers. I'm thinking of doing a channel on Pokemon breeding and iv/ev training and battle tips for advanced players. I'm looking to trade on here to get Pokemon  with hidden abilities. I'm hoping using my previous channel experience it will be a massive channel and of cause I would mention anyone that helps me obtain these Pokemon on the videos
Hey welcome to the forums! We're happy to help out with getting HA Pokemon and anything else you might need. Don't forget to check out the Pokemon Forever Discord too.
Thanks for all the good times~
If your looking for HA pokemon im your man !! Itll be nice to have a youtube guy advertising our lil forum again xD
Dont know why I never thought to put this here...
All your Hidden Ability needs in one place <3
Hi and wlcome xander, how did you find this place btw?

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