Mar 7, 2025, 12:59 AM
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Go no further. Here is the most important and empowering relationship advice for women you shouldn',t miss. 25 Pieces of Empowering Relationship Advice for Women.
Click here for tips for single ladies
Dr. Carol Morgan is the owner of, a communication professor, dating & relationship coach, TV personality, speaker, and author. Everyone always says, “Relationships are so hard!” But that’s not true. It’s not relationships that are difficult, rather, it’s the people involved in the relationships that MAKE them challenging. In other words, you can make your relationship better by doing two things: Requiring more of yourself Requiring more from your partner. You see, a lot of people are lazy. They think that relationships should just magically run like a well-oiled machine. But that doesn’t happen in real life. Relationships take effort, and they can be healthy and happy if you know what to do. No one has a magic wand to hand you that will turn your relationship into a fairy tale. But if you follow these tips, you will be pleasantly surprised on how happy you become. Here is some relationship advice for women so you can use every day to make that happen: 1. Have your own life. You might be crazy in love with each other, but that doesn’t mean the rest of your life should stop. Don’t abandon your friends for him. Don’t take up golf and give up your massages if you don’t want to. Have some independence and an identity of your own. Because if you don’t, things will get boring and routine in the relationship. 2. Don’t be needy. Being needy and chasing can go hand-in-hand. If you want to see him 24/7, text him 24/7, and basically think the world resolves around him, well, you’re being needy. Needy behavior is suffocating for people, especially men. You think these behaviors will help you hold on to him, but it actually has the opposite effect – it pushes him away. 3. Make sure you connect physically, emotionally, and mentally. Easier said than done, but these three things are crucially important. If you’re just physically connected, but you don’t connect emotionally or mentally, then you won’t make it for the long haul. Or maybe you connect mentally, but your intimacy is just “meh.” The relationship may be doomed. You have to have strong bonds in all areas of your relationship, so make sure you keep an eye on that from the very beginning. 4. Don’t chase him. Unfortunately, many women do this a lot. And you might not even know you’re doing it. “Chasing” comes in all forms – it could be obvious, stalker-like behavior such as calling him 100 times a day. Or, it could be more subtle, like you’re the only initiating contact all the time (meaning that you are more interested than he is). Chasing is a turn-off for men. Let him chase you. 5. Love yourself. So many women complain that they either can’t find the right partner, or they always attract jerks who don’t treat them right. Well, it’s probably because you don’t love yourself enough. You can only attract the level of love that you feel for yourself. So, look at all your good qualities and decide to love yourself exactly the way you are right now. 6. Take care of yourself. If you love yourself, then you will automatically take care of yourself. This means trying to stay healthy, get enough sleep, go get massages, escape to a bubble bath, or maybe a girls’ night out. You need to feed your soul in other ways outside of your relationship or else you won’t have anything left to give. 7. Don’t be a people pleaser. Many women mistakenly believe that if they please other people, then they will automatically love them. This couldn’t be farther from the truth! A lot of people will take advantage of you if you give too much of yourself. Instead, strive for a healthy balance of being self-less and selfish. Please your partner, but also make sure they please you too. Relationships are a two-way street. 8. Speak your mind. When I say “speak your mind,” I mean doing it gently and calmly. Don’t suppress your negative (or positive) emotions. Let them out. Talk to your partner about any problems you are having. Try to see yourself as a team and solve the problems together. You deserve respect and to have your voice heard. 9. Don’t avoid problems. No one really likes conflict. Well, maybe there are some people who do, but generally speaking, most people don’t. So, what happens a lot of the time is they go into avoidance mode. This does not work. If you avoid problems for years upon years, well, they are going to pile up. And then one day you’ll wake up 25 years later and never be able to sort through them all because they’ve been accumulating too long. 10. Make time for your partner. I know I said to have your own life and some independence, but on the flip side, you can’t spend too much time alone (or with other people) because then the relationship could die. Relationships need attention. So, make sure you go on regular date nights and have deep conversations to keep your connection strong. 11. Demand respect. When I say “demand,” I don’t mean stomping your foot down and demanding in in a diva kind of way.
Go no further. Here is the most important and empowering relationship advice for women you shouldn',t miss. 25 Pieces of Empowering Relationship Advice for Women.
Click here for tips for single ladies
Dr. Carol Morgan is the owner of, a communication professor, dating & relationship coach, TV personality, speaker, and author. Everyone always says, “Relationships are so hard!” But that’s not true. It’s not relationships that are difficult, rather, it’s the people involved in the relationships that MAKE them challenging. In other words, you can make your relationship better by doing two things: Requiring more of yourself Requiring more from your partner. You see, a lot of people are lazy. They think that relationships should just magically run like a well-oiled machine. But that doesn’t happen in real life. Relationships take effort, and they can be healthy and happy if you know what to do. No one has a magic wand to hand you that will turn your relationship into a fairy tale. But if you follow these tips, you will be pleasantly surprised on how happy you become. Here is some relationship advice for women so you can use every day to make that happen: 1. Have your own life. You might be crazy in love with each other, but that doesn’t mean the rest of your life should stop. Don’t abandon your friends for him. Don’t take up golf and give up your massages if you don’t want to. Have some independence and an identity of your own. Because if you don’t, things will get boring and routine in the relationship. 2. Don’t be needy. Being needy and chasing can go hand-in-hand. If you want to see him 24/7, text him 24/7, and basically think the world resolves around him, well, you’re being needy. Needy behavior is suffocating for people, especially men. You think these behaviors will help you hold on to him, but it actually has the opposite effect – it pushes him away. 3. Make sure you connect physically, emotionally, and mentally. Easier said than done, but these three things are crucially important. If you’re just physically connected, but you don’t connect emotionally or mentally, then you won’t make it for the long haul. Or maybe you connect mentally, but your intimacy is just “meh.” The relationship may be doomed. You have to have strong bonds in all areas of your relationship, so make sure you keep an eye on that from the very beginning. 4. Don’t chase him. Unfortunately, many women do this a lot. And you might not even know you’re doing it. “Chasing” comes in all forms – it could be obvious, stalker-like behavior such as calling him 100 times a day. Or, it could be more subtle, like you’re the only initiating contact all the time (meaning that you are more interested than he is). Chasing is a turn-off for men. Let him chase you. 5. Love yourself. So many women complain that they either can’t find the right partner, or they always attract jerks who don’t treat them right. Well, it’s probably because you don’t love yourself enough. You can only attract the level of love that you feel for yourself. So, look at all your good qualities and decide to love yourself exactly the way you are right now. 6. Take care of yourself. If you love yourself, then you will automatically take care of yourself. This means trying to stay healthy, get enough sleep, go get massages, escape to a bubble bath, or maybe a girls’ night out. You need to feed your soul in other ways outside of your relationship or else you won’t have anything left to give. 7. Don’t be a people pleaser. Many women mistakenly believe that if they please other people, then they will automatically love them. This couldn’t be farther from the truth! A lot of people will take advantage of you if you give too much of yourself. Instead, strive for a healthy balance of being self-less and selfish. Please your partner, but also make sure they please you too. Relationships are a two-way street. 8. Speak your mind. When I say “speak your mind,” I mean doing it gently and calmly. Don’t suppress your negative (or positive) emotions. Let them out. Talk to your partner about any problems you are having. Try to see yourself as a team and solve the problems together. You deserve respect and to have your voice heard. 9. Don’t avoid problems. No one really likes conflict. Well, maybe there are some people who do, but generally speaking, most people don’t. So, what happens a lot of the time is they go into avoidance mode. This does not work. If you avoid problems for years upon years, well, they are going to pile up. And then one day you’ll wake up 25 years later and never be able to sort through them all because they’ve been accumulating too long. 10. Make time for your partner. I know I said to have your own life and some independence, but on the flip side, you can’t spend too much time alone (or with other people) because then the relationship could die. Relationships need attention. So, make sure you go on regular date nights and have deep conversations to keep your connection strong. 11. Demand respect. When I say “demand,” I don’t mean stomping your foot down and demanding in in a diva kind of way.