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different pattern vivillions
@CellyBean Hello again so it seems ive got the modern, archipelago, elegant, high plains, continental, garden, marine, polar and savannah patterns in my possession Smile if any of those may interest you ?
yeah!! @wartty

im interested in archipelago, elegant, high plains, continental, marine and savannah
@CellyBean lol so which patterns have you collected by now?
ocean, sun, modern, monsoon, fancy, pokeball, icy snow, jungle, garden, sandstorm, and polar patterns

im interested in sun ocean monsoon icy, fancy pokeball and sandstorm, think we could work out a trade? maybe some breedjects involved, ill back tonight ~
wait im rather wouldnt trade away the patterns i have im trying to collect all of them. are you sure that there isnt anything else you're interested in?
(Feb 5, 2017, 12:47 PM)wartty Wrote: im interested in sun ocean monsoon icy, fancy pokeball and sandstorm, think we could work out a trade? maybe some breedjects involved, ill back tonight ~
I can trade you fancy + Pokeball patterns if you like?
@CellyBean couldn't you breed them? :p

wait is it possible to breed vivillion patterns? i thought that whichever pattern you have where you live you were stuck with no matter which pattern vivillion you bred to a ditto
@CellyBean ... nope just tried it :p babies retain the pattern, just nickname them their pattern so its less confusing

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