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hi everyone
Hello all! My name is yoloswag831 and im a 21 years old.  I love playing video games. I play pretty much any type of game. I am recently trying to get into competitive battling in Pokemon y so any advice will be gladly taken into consideration. Anyways nice too meet you and hope we can battle at one point :D But of course I have to build a team first.
Thanks for taking some time to read this and nice to meet all of you!Smile
[Image: welcome.gif]
awesome nice to have you, a great way to get into competitive is to start with some of your favorite pokemon in mind and maybe look for them in the competitive builds section =), or building your own team and asking about it in the competitive discussion section using the [rate my team] prefix
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Welcome to the forums Smile
Hey Yolo Smile
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
sweet thanks a lot everyone :D
Welcome Yoloswag831
Welcome Yolo! kappa
Hey Yolo :D Nice to see you here Smile If you ever need a battle partner, just shoot me a pm!

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