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looking for aegislash
hey im looking for a competative aegislash for battling. i have a meloetta, diancie,thundurus, reshiram, and a lot more legendaries as well as some shinies. please let me know if you have one.
@Quinlon the destroyer

I know you said you want a competitive Aegislash, but you don't explain what that is in terms of Nature, IVs, and EVs. Knowing those would help.
ivs evs nature? also do you have a celebi
i would like one with the following stats or close
iv hp31 def31 spdef31. none of the others matter to me.
ev speread the same 4 def 252 spdef 252hp
move set-kings guard, toxic, rest, sacred head
nature-sassy, relaxed
doesnt need an item
like i said though, it doesnt need to be exactly like that but the ivs are important
i do have a celibi
intresting i have no idea how to make a competitive ageisslash
I have one level 56, ill trade it for a Meloetta Smile , add my FC: 4485-1703-0661 IGN: Benjamin.
bump for interest
@Quinlon the destroyer I may be able to breed you a Honedge with the Nature and IVs you're asking for, would that do?

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