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[VGC] Legends arent bad
Guys I've been here for a while and battled ALOT. Now i'm not complaining but I have seen a running trend in tournaments and battles. People always complain when someone brings a Legend to a VGC battle or an OU battle if you play Smogon. LEGENDS ARE GOOD! All the legal legends that are in VGC are legal for a reason and part of the format and official meta game. Why do people complain when I send out Lando-T (I dont use Lando-T im using this as an example) but when someone else uses Garchomp no one bats an eye? They both have the same base stats, the same typing with ground, and the same common weakness in Ice. Now Lando-T gets intimidate instead of Chomp's rough skin or sand veil but still, legal legends are part of the official format of the pokemon world championships. Im not saying that you have to use legends, just dont complain next time someone does Wink
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i think people complain about legends mostly because you cant breed for them. And most of the legendaries you will face in competitive play are power saved or pokegenned in 1 way or another. What are the odds of going up against 4 different trainers each with the same Shiny zapdos with HP Ice and having them all be caught naturally and unaltered at all? I think thats why most people hate legendary pokemon in VGC.
I agree with vex, the fact that these legendaries are possibly genned just gives them an excuse to why they should be used at all, i dont use legends because i dont gen and i think its fun to not use them but i have no problem with others i see is as a challange to test my skill and ive won alot of battles
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Pokegenning isnt really that bad either tho. As long as it has the pentagon and passes legitimacy test at competitions it shouldnt be a problem. I get that people dont think that's "fair" but like, too bad. Some people dont really have the time to breed for perfect ivs and hidden powers and then ev train all the time. With the meta game constantly changing its hard to keep up when you have a life outside of pokemon.
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ya never know they could be soft resting tho

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Hey you could always use me as a counter argument for when people complain that they lose the battle because you've used legends then they don't have anything to complain about Kappa, I've won tOns of battles without legendaries
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
The only Pokémon I get annoyed with is M-Kangaskhan. Every time I see one on the field, I make it my sole mission to destroy it, haha. But that's just me.
A good thing about legends is that they are able to learn particular moves that normal pokemons with the same role cannot learn (Snarl + Tailwind Suicune, Quick Guard + Taunt Terrakion and so on).

Cobalion can learn Volt Switch and Thunder Wave, just saying.

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