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shoiny hunting team tips/tricks?
hi all Smile

I'm just curious, what is a good field coverage for a shoiny hunting team in X/Y/ORAS? What abilities/moves do you guys think, are a must have for this activity? ^ ^

I'm currently using the following mons in Y:

MuchaLucha (Hawlucha) - false swipe
Masquerain - Sweet Scent
Volbeat - Illuminate
Lileep - Suction Cups
Greninja - just bc high level, and has AoE ( just found out a while ago, that you don't need to faint the enemy in horde encounters... ^^; )
Volcarona - It has Flame Body, in case of denying challenge, to do a quick try for breeding :D

Found already some shoinies thanks to these dudes, but I'm open for suggestions, In case you have an idea, how to make a better hunting team ^^
How do you get the oras?
(Dec 14, 2014, 11:00 PM)Cadenbro Wrote: How do you get the oras?

with ORAS, I meant OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire (:

forgot to put the slash between them
I personally use only 2 poke:
- Bisharp, he is one of the few that can learn False Swipe and Thunder Wave. Been using him as my "capturer" since BW2 because of that.
- Talonflame, because of Flame Body and Fly. But i suppose your Volcarona does the same.

Besides i can use a Gardevoir sometimes because of her ability to (or at least try to) manipulate the pokemon's nature. She can also learn Dazzling Gleam to kill an horde quickly.
Since I haven't done any shiny hunting in ORAS yet, the team I use in Y is:

Venusaur: Use for Hordes with Sweet scent, EQ and I believe Petal Blizzard and Sludge Bomb.

Talonflame: For breeding and a flyer

Lileep: for chain fishing

I do need a False Sweep user But in the meantime I just had Pikachu, well I guess using False Sweep is irrelevant cause of quick balls and I did Powersave up Maxx Master Balls so catching shinies was never an issue for me.
I see I see ^ ^

Thank you guys for the replies, looks like I'm on the right track (:

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