hi all 
I'm just curious, what is a good field coverage for a shoiny hunting team in X/Y/ORAS? What abilities/moves do you guys think, are a must have for this activity? ^ ^
I'm currently using the following mons in Y:
MuchaLucha (Hawlucha) - false swipe
Masquerain - Sweet Scent
Volbeat - Illuminate
Lileep - Suction Cups
Greninja - just bc high level, and has AoE ( just found out a while ago, that you don't need to faint the enemy in horde encounters... ^^; )
Volcarona - It has Flame Body, in case of denying challenge, to do a quick try for breeding :D
Found already some shoinies thanks to these dudes, but I'm open for suggestions, In case you have an idea, how to make a better hunting team ^^

I'm just curious, what is a good field coverage for a shoiny hunting team in X/Y/ORAS? What abilities/moves do you guys think, are a must have for this activity? ^ ^
I'm currently using the following mons in Y:
MuchaLucha (Hawlucha) - false swipe
Masquerain - Sweet Scent
Volbeat - Illuminate
Lileep - Suction Cups
Greninja - just bc high level, and has AoE ( just found out a while ago, that you don't need to faint the enemy in horde encounters... ^^; )
Volcarona - It has Flame Body, in case of denying challenge, to do a quick try for breeding :D
Found already some shoinies thanks to these dudes, but I'm open for suggestions, In case you have an idea, how to make a better hunting team ^^