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Guest 06:25 PM Reading Thread [GIVEAWAY] (OFFLINE) free Ditto5/6ivs+Battle ready shiny +(TSV Check))
Guest 06:35 PM Reading Thread FT: Shiny Tapu Koko LF: BR's
Guest 06:24 PM Reading Thread FT: Shiny Tapu Koko LF: BR's
Guest 06:32 PM Reading Thread Hello Everyone
Guest 06:25 PM Reading Thread  Need this Grovyle fixed.
Guest 06:35 PM Reading Thread [LOOKING FOR] LF Kartana
Guest 06:35 PM Reading Thread [LOOKING FOR] LF Kartana
Guest 06:22 PM Reading Thread  Bastiodon is Better Than Rampardos?! - with 0kamii
Guest 06:35 PM Reading Thread [LOOKING FOR] Shiny BR Greninja
Guest 06:35 PM Reading Thread [GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]
Guest 06:34 PM Reading Thread [LOOKING FOR] Dreamball, Heavyball, Lureball, Friendball caught PKM with HA
Guest 06:34 PM Reading Thread I want this title to say something else than "HI!1!" but I can't think of anything
Guest 06:34 PM Reading Thread I want this title to say something else than "HI!1!" but I can't think of anything
Guest 06:34 PM Reading Thread I want this title to say something else than "HI!1!" but I can't think of anything
Guest 06:34 PM Reading Thread I want this title to say something else than "HI!1!" but I can't think of anything
Guest 06:34 PM Reading Thread I want this title to say something else than "HI!1!" but I can't think of anything
Guest 06:34 PM Reading Thread I want this title to say something else than "HI!1!" but I can't think of anything
Guest 06:34 PM Reading Thread I want this title to say something else than "HI!1!" but I can't think of anything
Guest 06:34 PM Reading Thread I want this title to say something else than "HI!1!" but I can't think of anything
Guest 06:33 PM Reading Thread I want this title to say something else than "HI!1!" but I can't think of anything
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