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Whats Your Pokemon's Nickname? - Printable Version

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RE: Whats Your Pokemon's Nickname? - Saiman - May 9, 2016

How many do you want to know about?  I used to play Gen 1, when only Nidoran had Genders....
So Rattata would evolve with the name Splinter.  Squirtle was Donatello, Hitmonlee was Leonardo and Machop was Raphael.  Since Michaelangelo often dressed as a female to distract a monster they fought, Jynx
Houndour/Houndoom  Dr. Doom.  The female version Sue Richards, since Doom had a thing for her.
Sandshrew started off as Sandy, when they got genders the male got Duncan  (Sandy Duncan was an actress)

RE: Whats Your Pokemon's Nickname? - CaptainBlue - May 9, 2016

Those are some reeeeally good nicknames.  I love them all!

RE: Whats Your Pokemon's Nickname? - CaptainBlue - May 9, 2016

@Lythania Sounds Smart nickname hehe

@Luffy I love it!  I'm a fan of the show ^^

@RedLake Awesome nicknames, giving me a lot of ideas

@lustrousdreams Awww, i love them.  Thanks for sharing ^^

RE: Whats Your Pokemon's Nickname? - Lythania - May 9, 2016

I tried to do the @ thing for Red Lake but it's not working, so meh. XD

Awww, Houndoom named Persephone and Hades? That's absolutely adorable, I love mythologically-fitting names. :D Ooh that makes me think, a Duskull named Thanatos might be interesting.

RE: Whats Your Pokemon's Nickname? - CaptainBlue - May 9, 2016


I will be breeding some duskulls will 5 or 6 ivs so if i get a good one, or a shiny I will most certainly name it that.

\\\\ Need the shiny charm first *crys*////

RE: Whats Your Pokemon's Nickname? - Lythania - May 9, 2016

@CaptainBlue Woo! :D Oof no shiny charm? You should make a list of all the pokemon you're missing and put it up in the trade section! How many do you still have to go?

RE: Whats Your Pokemon's Nickname? - CaptainBlue - May 9, 2016


A lot *crys*  

284 ( Counting Non needed pokemon )

I've been trying so hard snice spring break

RE: Whats Your Pokemon's Nickname? - Lythania - May 9, 2016

@CaptainBlue Wowww that's painful to hear. I remember when I was at that point. I went nuts and made a list of all the ones I needed, in numerical order, and included notes on how that pokemon is gotten. As in where it could be caught (or where a previous evolution could be caught), in-game trades, etc etc. It pays to be organized!

RE: Whats Your Pokemon's Nickname? - Luffy - May 9, 2016

@CaptainBlue Ayy, shoutouts to you :]!

RE: Whats Your Pokemon's Nickname? - Johnnyspyguy - May 9, 2016

I have a Sceptile called Coolio cuz I was little when I played Omega Ruby XD