RE: Mass Genning (Closed) - moo311 - Dec 26, 2017
@hsgcapoquian I can trade 9 AM December 31 your time
RE: Mass Genning (Closed) - alex-drakon - Dec 26, 2017
@moo311 can we trade now? i have already added your fc
RE: Mass Genning (Closed) - moo311 - Dec 26, 2017
@alex-drakon I'm trying to finish genning the pokemon. Can we set up a trade instead? I'll be donein 3 hours if I non-stop work. Most likely, I'll be done in about 4-5 hours.
RE: Mass Genning (Closed) - alex-drakon - Dec 26, 2017
ok no problem. tomorrow afternoon utc+1?
RE: Mass Genning (Closed) - moo311 - Dec 26, 2017
@alex-drakon Sure, can you trade 5 PM UTC +1?
RE: Mass Genning (Closed) - alex-drakon - Dec 26, 2017
no sorry. i can trade around 3 pm utc+1 or 9/10 pm utc+1
RE: Mass Genning (make sure it's legal) - Boba_Fettish_ - Dec 26, 2017
(Dec 24, 2017, 06:43 PM)Boba_Fettish_ Wrote: Thank you so much in advance and let me know if there are any mistakes and I'll fix them right away. Here's the list:
Pokemon: Darkrai
Shiny: No
Gender: genderless
Nickname: None
Level: 50
Nature: Timid
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Bad Dreams
Pokerus: No
Language: English
Pokeball: Cherish Ball
IVS: 0 Atk, 31 everything else
EVS: SpA 252 / SpD 4 / Spe 252
Hidden Power:
- Nasty Plot
- Dark Pulse
- Focus Blast
- Sludge Bomb
OT (Optional): 2012MAY
Ribbons: Classic Ribbon
Pokemon: Shaymin-Sky
Shiny: No
Gender: genderless
Nickname: None
Level: 50
Nature: Timid
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Serene Grace
Pokerus: No
Language: English
Pokeball: Cherish Ball
IVS: 0 Atk, 31 everything else
EVS: SpA 252 / SpD 4 / Spe 252
- Seed Flare
- Air Slash
- Earth Power
- Healing Wish
OT (Optional): TRU
Pokemon: Hoopa-Unbound
Shiny: No
Gender: genderless
Nickname: None
Level: 50
Nature: Jolly
Item: Choice Band
Ability: Magician
Pokerus: No
Language: English
Pokeball: Smoke Ball
IVS: 31 all
EVS: Atk 252 / Def 4 / Spe 252
- Hyperspace Fury
- Hyperspace Hole
- Gunk Shot
- Drain Punch
Relearn Moves/Eggmoves (Optional):
OT (Optional): Alexander
Pokemon: Marshadow
Shiny: No
Gender: genderless
Nickname: None
Level: 50
Nature: Jolly
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Technician
Pokerus: No
Language: English
Pokeball: Cherish Ball
IVS: 31 all
EVS: Atk 252 / SpD 4 / Spe 252
- Close Combat
- Spectral Thief
- Shadow Sneak
- Rock Tomb
Relearn Moves/Eggmoves (Optional):
OT (Optional): Mt. Tensei
Pokemon: Victini
Shiny: No
Gender: genderless
Nickname: None
Level: 15
Nature: Timid
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Victory Star
Pokerus: No
Language: English
Pokeball: Level Ball
IVs: 0 Atk, 31 everything else
EVs: SpA 252 / SpD 4 / Spe 252
- Celebrate
- Blue Flare
- Stored Power
- Focus Blast
OT: トウホク
Ribbons: Classic Ribbon
Pokemon: Deoxys-Defense
Shiny: No
Gender: genderless
Nickname: none
Level: 30
Nature: Bold
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
Pokerus: No
Language: English
Pokeball: Lure Ball
IVs: 31 All
EVs: HP 252 / Def 252 / SpD 4
- Spikes
- Recover
- Knock Off
- Toxic
OT: Brandon
Pokemon: Deoxys-Attack
Shiny: No
Gender: Genderless
Nickname: None
Level: 30
Nature: Rash
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
Pokerus: No
Language: English
Pokeball: Fast Ball
IVS: All 31
EVS: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Psycho Boost
- Superpower
- Ice Beam
- Extreme Speed
OT (Optional): Brandon
Pokemon: Arceus
Shiny: No
Gender: genderless
Nickname: none
Level: 100
Nature: adamant
Item: chople berry
Ability: multitype
Pokerus: no
Language: english
Pokeball: Timer ball
IVs: all 31
EVs: HP 240 / Atk 252 / Spe 16
- Swords Dance
- Extreme Speed
- Shadow Claw
- Earthquake
OT: Brandon
Pokemon: Beldum
Shiny: Yes
Gender: genderless
Nickname: none
Level: 5
Nature: jolly
Item: metagrossite
Ability: clear body
Pokerus: no
Language: english
Pokeball: cherish ball
IVs: all 31
EVs: HP 184 / Atk 148 / Spe 176
- Hold Back
- Iron Head
- Zen Headbutt
- Iron Defense
OT: Steven
Ribbons: Classic Ribbon
Pokemon: Manaphy
Shiny: No
Gender: genderless
Nickname: none
Level: 1
Nature: timid
Item: leftovers
Ability: hydration
Pokerus: none
Language: english
Pokeball: regular pokeball
IVs: 0 Atk, 31 everything else
EVs: SpA 252 / SpD 4 / Spe 252
Hidden Power: Fire
- Tail Glow
- Bubble
- Water Sport
OT: Brandon
Pokemon: Diancie
Shiny: no
Gender: genderless
Nickname: none
Level: 50
Nature: naive
Item: diancite
Ability: clear body
Pokerus: no
Language: english
Pokeball: cherish ball
IVs: all 31
EVs: Atk 4 / SpA 252 / Spe 252
Hidden Power: Fire
- Rock Polish
- Moonblast
- Diamond Storm
- Earth Power
OT: Hope
Ribbons: Classic Ribbon
Pokemon: Rayquaza
Shiny: Yes
Gender: genderless
Nickname: none
Level: 70
Nature: adamant
Item: focus sash
Ability: air lock
Pokerus: no
Language: english
Pokeball: cherish ball
IVs: all 31
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Hidden Power: Ice
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Ascent
- Earthquake
- Extreme Speed
OT: Galileo
Ribbons: Classic Ribbon
Pokemon: Celebi
Shiny: no
Gender: genderless
Nickname: none
Level: 50
Nature: timid
Item: colbur berry
Ability: natural cure
Pokerus: no
Language: english
Pokeball: cherish ball
IVs: all 31
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Hidden Power: Fire
- Nasty Plot
- Recover
- Leaf Storm
- Healing Wish
OT: WIN2011
Ribbons: Classic Ribbon
Pokemon: Keldeo
Shiny: No
Gender: genderless
Nickname: none
Level: 50
Nature: hasty
Item: choice specs
Ability: justified
Pokerus: no
Language: english
Pokeball: cherish ball
IVs: all 31
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Hydro pump
- Sacred Sword
- Stone Edge
- Scald
OT: WIN2013
Ribbons: Wishing Ribbon
Pokemon: Latios
Shiny: no
Gender: male
Nickname: none
Level: 40
Nature: timid
Item: choice scarf
Ability: levitate
Pokerus: no
Language: english
Pokeball: lure ball
IVs: 0 atk, 31 everything else
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Hidden Power: Fire
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Defog
- Energy Ball
OT: Brandon
I just realized I forgot to check the IVs for the ones I asked for HP's on. After looking it up, HP fire seems to be 31/E/31/30/31/30 and HP ice is 31/E/30/31/31/31. So that means...
Diancie IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/30
Rayquaza IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31
Celebi IVs: 31/30/31/30/31/30
Latios IVs: 31/2/31/30/31/30
Let me know if there were any other problems I didn't catch. Thanks so much for putting in all this work to help us out.
RE: Mass Genning (Closed) - moo311 - Dec 26, 2017
@Riola Sure
RE: Mass Genning (Closed) - Testmeister - Dec 26, 2017
@moo311 what italian time i can find you online? i have already added your fc ![Angel Angel](
My FC : 5215-0496-0466 IGN: William
RE: Mass Genning (Closed) - moo311 - Dec 26, 2017
@Testmeister You're 6 hours ahead of me.