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Kanto Classic Help - Printable Version

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Kanto Classic Help - SnowdustWolf - Mar 11, 2016

(Probably posting in the wrong area...)

Hello all!

I'm well aware that the Kanto Classic has been and gone - I should know, I was in it! I did my three battles. On an off-note, I did (I think) 9 battles, 2 of which were losses, and, in 3 of my victorious battles, I 6-0'd my opponent (Shameless gloating :D )

Anyway, I've done my battles, so how do I receive my Barrier Dragonite? I've tried receiving it via mystery gift, I've tried navigating the infuriating labyrinth of links that is the pokemon website and I tried searching it online. On Serebii, It says that it's a serial code. I've bought multiple cereal boxes and it isn't there (I'm kidding, of course). I still haven't received any serial codes. I've checked my emails and it's not in there.

Anyone else received their dragonite? anyone else having problems? Am i just being impatient?

Also, is it possible to SR for good IVs and Nature?

RE: Kanto Classic Help - Excalibur0126 - Mar 11, 2016

The code will probably be released next month. I believe you get a notification on the website when it does get released.

RE: Kanto Classic Help - SnowdustWolf - Mar 12, 2016


Thank you for your reply!

+1 rep to ye!

RE: Kanto Classic Help - Krewe Chief - Mar 13, 2016

Follow up question:

I bought and played through X last month. I bought Alpha Sapphire a couple days before the Kanto Classic, played through just to the point where I got the PSS, and then registered and subsequently participated in the Kanto Classic (using mons from X that I transferred over via Bank).

The other day, I wanted to start Alpha Sapphire fresh, but forgot I still hadn't gotten my Dragonite. I saved over the file that I used to compete in the Kanto Classic. I haven't un-registered my old Alpha Sapphire account on the Pokemon Global Link website. But obviously that Game Sync ID I used in the Kanto Classic is now long gone.

Am I unable to receive a Dragonite now? Or will a code be sent to my Global Link account (which still exists) that I can still use?

Sorry if that's a confusing way of asking! Thanks!

RE: Kanto Classic Help - Excalibur0126 - Mar 13, 2016

You still get your code as long as you keep your old ID registered to your account. Just wait until you receive the code and then you can register your new one.

RE: Kanto Classic Help - Krewe Chief - Mar 13, 2016

Thank you! I was disappointed, but now I'm happy! Yay!