Pokemon Forever
[GIVEAWAY] Any pokemon you want/need (Legal) - Printable Version

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RE: Any pokemon you want/need (Legal) - geetry - Apr 29, 2017

Hi! If you're still doing these, I'd love to get one. Smile

Pokemon: Absol
Level: 100
Gender: Male
Nickname: n/a
Ability: Super Luck
Nature: Adamant
Item: Absolite 
IVS: 6
EVS: 252 Atk 252 Spe 4 SpD
Pokeball: Moon Ball
Shiny: Y
- Play Rough
- Superpower
- Night Slash
- Sucker Punch

Thank you!

RE: Any pokemon you want/need (Legal) - element_x49 - Apr 29, 2017

@moo311  i'm ready for my mons  Smile

RE: Any pokemon you want/need (Legal) - moo311 - Apr 29, 2017

@TheAlmightySancho Enjoy Smile
@NotsoEpicM I don't see it Sad
@lelcharmander. Oh, sorry. If you request other pokemon, I'll make sure to make them not shiny Smile
@afsetxafset I don't see it Sad

I'll be on for the next couple of hours Smile

RE: Any pokemon you want/need (Legal) - NotsoEpicM - Apr 29, 2017

Re deposited
Sandygast male level 23
For nihilego level 55

RE: Any pokemon you want/need (Legal) - lelcharmander - Apr 29, 2017

I hate to do this, it's my fault really, but can I get the exact same two, just not shiny? Thanks.

RE: Any pokemon you want/need (Legal) - moo311 - Apr 29, 2017

@NotsoEpicM Enjoy Smile
@lelcharmander No worries! I'll post when I have them Smile

RE: Any pokemon you want/need (Legal) - curiot - Apr 29, 2017

My second request:

Pokemon : Bulbasaur
Lvl : 5
Gender : -
Nickname : Bulbasaur
Ability : Chlorophyll
Nature : Bold
Item : Gold bottle cap
Ivs : 6
Evs :
  • 232 HP
  • 180 Def
  • 80 SpD
  • 16 Spe

Pokeball : Luxury Ball
Shiny : Yes !
Moves : None


RE: Any pokemon you want/need (Legal) - NotsoEpicM - Apr 29, 2017


Deposited female grimer level 7 for level 50 arcanine

RE: Any pokemon you want/need (Legal) - Haru - Apr 29, 2017

I was wondering if my request was denied since I haven't heard anything about it ;v;

RE: Any pokemon you want/need (Legal) - MS21 - Apr 29, 2017

Let me know if you have some time for a quick link trade, fell asleep for an hour, feeling like such a blonde
Hope you hadnt tried requesting yet ( Fell asleep in plaza)

Edit: online, in plaza, ready, and wide awake this time ;-)