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[ORAS] Need Help making my team idea. - Printable Version

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Need Help making my team idea. - Indy - Dec 26, 2014

So I have always loved the poison type pokemon, but I really hate how they are barley used, and when they are its for a toxic stall. I was thinking of a way to make a doubles team for online battles that has the genre of poison aggressive. I am stuck trying to think of good combos and good pokemon to use. Anyone have any good ideas?

RE: Need Help making my team idea. - Peppermint - Dec 26, 2014

Start with Toxicroak - it has Fake Out and a lot of strong attacks, and it's a good way to deal with rain if you're gonna use Dry Skin. Crobat is also a good supporter -- it can set up Tailwind, put people to sleep with Hypnosis, and do damage with Brave Bird.

RE: Need Help making my team idea. - GingerxPug - Dec 27, 2014

Weezing is a great wall, that can pack a good amount of utility with will-o-wisp and toxic, so that is a good option. Nidoking has a variety of moves, so something like that with sheer force choice scarf is also recommendable. That's all I can really think of, but this link is to the poison types you can use. http://pokemondb.net/type/poison

RE: Need Help making my team idea. - Eckley - Dec 27, 2014

If you mean pokemon with poison as their primary type, I'm not really sure what to suggest. I know Dragalge now gets the adaptibility ability in ORAS.

If you mean any pokemon with the poison typing, Gengar and Venusaur are good options to build a team around. They both get megas and have some good stats

RE: Need Help making my team idea. - DanielJames - Dec 27, 2014

If you're going for a Poison-type team, I would highly recommend Drapion, as it's Dark-typing completely walls Psychic attacks which is something you're going to need to consider.

RE: Need Help making my team idea. - Marcusube - Dec 29, 2014

I threw together an idea for your mono-type team and this is what I have.

Toxicroak @ Life Orb
Ability: Anticipation
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Sucker Punch
- Gunk Shot
- Protect

Fake Out is a very good move in VGC as it has a +3 priority and 100% chance to flinch the opponent which means that only one Pokemon on the opponents team will move the first turn. Sucker Punch for priority, Gunk Shot for STAB and a super effective hit against Grass and Fairy types and Protect is just good for....protecting.

Crobat @ Black Sludge
Ability: Inner Focus
Level: 50
EVs: 248 HP / 40 Atk / 220 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Tailwind
- Brave Bird
- Quick Guard
- U-turn

Inner Focus prevents Fake Out from stopping this set up. The idea is Tailwind on the first turn then sweep. Brave Bird is for offense, Quick Guard - to protect your team from priority moves and U-Turn to get damage in and a switch on the same turn.

Drapion @ Leftovers
Ability: Battle Armor
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Ice Fang
- Protect
- Knock Off

Earthquake hits everything on the field, Ice Fang for Dragon type pokemon and Knock off is to remove held items and also for a STAB offensive move and Battle Armor just keeps your Drapion from taking critical hits.

Venusaur-Mega @ Venusaurite
Ability: Thick Fat
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Modest Nature
- Sleep Powder
- Sludge Bomb
- Protect
- Giga Drain

Sleep Powder is to stop the opponent from attacking for 1-3 turns, Sludge Bomb for offense and Giga Drain for sustain.

What do you think?  Huh