Number 3:
Blaziken has been one of my favourite Pokemon since it prevailed for me in my second playthrough of Pokemon Emerald. It was the first starter to show good the Fire Fighting type combination could be. And the generations have only been more kind to Blaziken. Giving it Speed Boost as it's Hidden Ability. Giving it a mega evolution. And landing it a spot in Ubers with the Smogon community as one of the only non-legendary Pokemon.
Number 2:
I remember the first time I ever saw Giratina in-game (If you played Pokemon Platinum, then I'm sure it stands out in your mind

). This thing truly looks like it fits the position of the Pokemon devil. I love how both of it's formes resemble that as a basilisk or a serpent. The puzzle Giratina throws at you to test if you are worthy to battle it in the Distortion World and the Distortion World, Giratina's home, is so interesting. Something that was very different from anything they have ever done; the whole antimatter thing with disappearing platformes. Giratina also has a really unique theme that fits well with the Distortion World and Giratina because it's so chaotic and frantic. The design and colour scheme is really cool (I don't care so much for it's shiny tho XD). It can be defensive (makes for a good wall with massive HP and good defenses + Will o Wisp) or offensive (you can go ham with Shadow Forces) and has the unique typing of Dragon Ghost with no double weaknesses. With so many reasons to like Giratina, what could my number 1 be? o_0
Number 1:
It's Azumarill! :D Giratina and Azumarill seem very opposite to each other, I know. Which is why this may be surprising to you. :p Azumarill only popped up recently as my favourite. I always thought it was a cute little Pokemon, but would always cast it aside in my mind as there are so many Water types and some could do Azumarills job a lot better at the time. But since 6th gen, it acquired the Fairy type and Play Rough. That partnered with HUGE POWER. makes this Pokemon a force to reckon with. Both of it's typings are my favourite since they can: both play any role on a team (offense, defense, support). It has access to powerful moves like Waterfall, Play Rough, and Superpower to deal great damage. You can slap a Choice Band on it and make it a good wallbreaker. Or you could run Belly Drum Sitrus and Aqua Jet everything to death > : D
Sorry for taking up so much room with my descriptions and pics :s