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[GIVEAWAY] Giveaway!
im back dude!
and i have come to the concluision that i would like the shiny delcatty
deposited pokemon: Nuzleaf (Steve)
level: 33, male
Wanted: delcatty
ign: David
Message: Charizard
:D ^^
Sent @JoltikWebb !
I'm one of the saddest, countriest, and beautifulest Ampharos around
@"CharizardSoOP21" ty once again ^^
Want another? You can request up to 3.
I'm one of the saddest, countriest, and beautifulest Ampharos around
deposited pkmn: Finneon (flutterby)
wanted: arbok
ign: David
message: Charizard
also lvl 30 male
Sent @JoltikWebb !
I'm one of the saddest, countriest, and beautifulest Ampharos around
@"CharizardSoOP21" ty once again me friend
Pokemon depsoited: Linoone
Level: 22
Wanted: arbok
IGN: PotatoMaster
Message: Charizard

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