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[GIVEAWAY] Legendary pokemon
I would like an Keldeo
My FC:0576-6571-1863
Hey man, 
I would really like a Keldeo if possible
My FC: 3325 - 5781 - 9169
added you Smile
Thanks in advance!

Do you by any chance have a shiny Rayquaza or Raikou. That would be great!
i added you 

 id really like a meloetta and a victini if your still doing this my freind code is 0018-2138-2653 if im not online just pm me ill figure a time
Do you have a Mew left? I would really like one Smile

My friend code is 1564-5528-9812
Hey man!

Thanks for doing this. I would like to request a [font]Zekrom. My friend code is 3024-6391-0213
Thanks!! Appreciate it![/font] :P :P
Hey i would love a Keldeo and shiny Manaphy.
Is this still on going?
Can i have a shiny mew if possble normal mew is ok too.. If mew not available Meleotta would be great!
Thanks in advance!
Wondering if you still have a shiny eevee, shiny manaphy or shiny lugia available?
Thanks Smile
If this event is still active I would Love a shiny Volcarona, if at all possible, thank you for your time

I've added you @mste1602

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