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[DISCUSSION] Well... Thinking about doing my first giveaway
So I finally finished my national pokedex.... An as a victory I'm going to do a giveaway.... Not shure what ima give out.... Thinking I'll jus give out my first shiny iv ever caught... It was a machop that turned up out of no where.... I was so surprised because I wasent even looking for any shinys...... But it has since bin used an iz now a machamp...also found a shiny magikarp but iz now a garidos... A shiny wailmer  that I found but is a wailord...but I have a bunch now.... But jus bin thinking about it....let me hear what I should give out.... I'm only going to do a box full.... So when there gone there gone.... An won't be for a few hours.... But let me know what I should clone...
If u build it they will come... 
if you can clone maybe clone legendarys like shiny ones or HA ones
If you could clone some legendaries it'd be awesome.
OK how about I do...Shiny Yveltal / Shiny Xerneas... But IL only do a box full of each for now.... So 30 of each.... I'll get it ready to go for 420....jus cuz that's magic hour... Lol.... I'll make a new post at 420 for the giveaway.... An it will probaly be a straight trade for now... So jus add me up an post when I make the new thread....
If u build it they will come... 
That sounds great! I'll add you right now @Blazedanfaded88 
Btw, let me know if it's okay but, would it be okay if I could get both so I could fill up my National Dex?
Well I have fun with that giveaway but I was thinking of trying something else...eevee an it's evolutions.... I'm getting g ready to try it out....
If u build it they will come... 

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