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[GIVEAWAY] Shiny Yveltal /Shiny Xerneas giveaway...[closed]
Well first giveaway....see how it goes.... I have a box full of each.... When there gone there gone... Jus add me an make Ur profile MSG the pokemon u would like...I guess jus post here when u have added me... An IL add u an trade....

Big thanks goes out to everyone that made it for the giveaway.... I'm done for now but probaly do another one  soon.... Hope u all enjoy an have a good day....
If u build it they will come... 
Hi I already added you and was hoping to get a shiny yveltal
i'am up for a shiny yveltal too ! i'am adding you :D
Already added you i would like a yveltal please pokemon deposited hydriegen female lv 64 IGN Fang thanks
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
HI ign is pat I add you and also my msg is pattyback11 here I want shiny yeatial
Added you
Hello! I just added you!!
Hello,info on the left,can I please have an Yveltal?
Can i reserve 1 for me? Shiny Yvetal Pls Smile
You're so awesome!!! Rep given!

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