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@pokePRiSMA i showed my bro the giveaway pokemon and he wants them aswell xD
might he get them aswell?
hes not registered here but his FC is: 4828-6808-6414
btw he have no good pokemon like me for trade so yeah :/
he even add ur FC already
@Mewnatic  I can't find a record of that anywhere in our Thread... I see where you said you wanted stuff earlier, but you never gave any info--- maybe you did on another GA and thought you did here??

I am happy to get you taken care of though as the lucky last customer of the night! Smile
Really? So i could have all eevee evolution? Awesome!!! Thanks a lot. I'm online right now can we trade?
Sorry @Aaroniskill1996  he has to have an established account on here not linked to yours, and then post in the GA Thread to qualify-- those are Forum/ Thread rules for Giveaways to ensure fairness
oh ok Um I redeposited :]
Am I to late to get the last 5 I need they are 

if not friend code is 5386-8284-4990
Oh and in advance THANKS FOR MY GLACEON when its traded!
@pokePRiSMA ok ill help him getting an account today 
is there a time until your giveaway ends?
@Mewnatic  sent! Goodnight & Enjoy!

Sorry guys-- I would love to serve you, but the "CLOSED" post was posted on the pg before this one & on the OP.

We will be back online tomorrow to hook you guys up so @Masterprime & @JohnyNg  you guys will be first to get yours tomorrow!

I have been on here doing this giveaway for 12 hours straight so I have got to call it quits somewhere lol.

Blazedanfaded88 is off for the night too, but one of us will get to you by tomorrow for sure!

Goodnight everyone!
THANKS SO MUCH!!!! I'm trying to complete my collection Eevee being my 3rd fav pokemon.

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