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[POKKEN] Official Pokken Tournament Main List (Potential Spoilers)
Erm...the only character I know how to play is Garchomp so... I guess he is my main?
With the time I've had lately, I've really only used Lucario throughout the entire single-player mode. I used Gengar twice for fun against my friends, but that was it.

Put me down for Lucario because it's not getting any love. Heart

NNID is CodenameHockhead
Thanks for making this and keeping it updated! Awesome list @ChaseInfinity!
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I main Lucario. My NNID is Mitchmaster24
My main is Garchomp and my NNID is Pipblub
List has been updated :D
and thanks @Justin
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Ok for real this time, add me to Gardevoir, Garchomp, and Sceptile. Gengar and I just didn't work out Sad
RIP Miranda Cosgrove 1975-2017
ChaseInfinity Wrote:Main:~@CodenameHockhead. NNID: CodenameHockhead

I'm CodenameHockhead everywhere else...but here I'm MagnusHexem. :P In case you were wondering why the tag didn't work.

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