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[FRIEND SAFARI] Add me on friend safari!
We all want cheeky shinies right? it would be nice to have some more friends for even more cheeky shinies!
In special i'm seeking for some bug, steel, fairy or normal type safari's.

My Friendcode:2595-3976-6875
i have an electric type friend safari with Emolga, Pikachu and manactric in it!
Hope some of you will respond to this first world problem xD

ooooh thats a nice safari ill add u when i get home
Life only happens once. Make the most out of it.

I main Tracer for some reason...
My Friend Safari is Flying with Pidgey, Fletchiender and Swanna. Feel free to add me!

Also, my name is Hayden... Why am I Johnnyspyguy?
Added - Don't know what my safari is though, sorry
(Apr 6, 2016, 08:27 AM)Platinum2183 Wrote: Added - Don't know what my safari is though, sorry
maybe you miswrote it? i've added you though since i dont see you as a friend yet
I'll add you when I get home. My friend code is at the side!
@PidgeotClaw @Johnnyspyguy

I added you. I have a normal with Kecleon, Aipom, and Smeargle. My FC is 2681-0820-0050 IGN: Aspen Please add me back. Thanks!
Hello guys ! Can you add my CA please Smile 1650-3153-0132 Ty Wink
(Apr 6, 2016, 07:54 AM)PidgeotClaw Wrote: We all want cheeky shinies right? it would be nice to have some more friends for even more cheeky shinies!
In special i'm seeking for some bug, steel, fairy or normal type safari's.

My Friendcode:2595-3976-6875
i have an electric type friend safari with Emolga, Pikachu and manactric in it!
Hope some of you will respond to this first world problem xD


My FC is on my profile on the left. I'll add you soon!
I've add all of you!
Added you Smile
FC: 4828 - 7940 - 2163

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