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I would like one of those Ditto please. i added you in my friendlist :p ign is Dtekz :D

Thanks alot! ;D

Oi mate I'd also like a Ditto pls!
Added your FC!
(Apr 8, 2016, 03:37 PM)Total-Insanity Wrote: @carter5050 It's a giveaway, what use would a giveaway be if I were asking for Pokemon in return? Hehe. Enjoy your new ditto Smile

@MrScruff Thanks for help in giveaway. At least you came to me, most just wait for me to catch up to them.
I wasn't sure if I was being rude initiating tbh. You are doing all the hard work so most people think when you are free you will start the trade.
Thx Mate!
+1 rep!
@MrScruff Yeah I get that, but hosting 2 giveaways and a trade thread whilst hatching Honedge and Swinub. Not really any free time haha Smile
Sorry about my absence, more giveaways coming soon!

PM me about shinies you would like me to start hunting, suggestions wanted.
Hey man am I still able to get one, If your not busy? ive added your FC
I've added your code. Would very much appreciate a ditto and thanks in advance!
my code: 3239-3539-1349

Many Thanks!!
I would like one of the dittos ! :D

IGN : Noir / Leo
Added your code. I would love to get one Ditto  Blush.

My code 2509-5440-6167

Thank you so much ! This will make my life so much easier Smile .
Hi, could I please have one of those Dittos? I've already got your FC. Thank you very much! :-) +1 rep
I might be busy throughout the day, so sorry if I'm not on right away.

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