Poll: Should I keep this Rayquaza?
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Should I keep this Rayquaza?
Going for Jolly, but not entirely sure what kind of team I want to build. Is this worth building around though?

HP: 31
Att: 31
Def: 31
Sp. A: ~24
Sp. D: ~7
Speed: 31

The really low special defense makes me nervous, but I honestly don't know how crucial that is because I'm new to all this. This is the first time I've ever SR for anything lol. From what I've read, the most important thing is having that attack and speed, which it has. Thanks in advance!
Rayquaza is so frail that im not sure the low iv's will make a difference considering dragon ascent lowers your resistances anyways (which will most likely result in death), but it's up to you
I don't know what I'd do in your position. I'd probably use it for a "starting gun" as I call them - attack first, and deal as much damage to assist the other 5. For physical attacks going first, your Rayquaza would do you well, allowing other Pokemon to do the rest of the work. And hey, in a double battle, Dragon Dance (along with more effort added on, of course) could be a KO machine

just a thought
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