Poll: Which services do you like the most?
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38 22.49%
33 19.53%
20 11.83%
Breeders Bank
12 7.10%
58 34.32%
Pokemon Center League
8 4.73%
Total 169 vote(s) 100%
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[POWERSAVES] Ultimate Pokemon Center ~ (Dittos, Modifications, Giveaways, Pokebank, etc.)
@Luffy  It takes some getting used to, after a couple tries it gets really easy. Practice makes perfect. Anything I can help you with?
That's good to hear :] and nah I'm good for now thank you, what I should be really doing is packing, goin' away for the weekend. You can definitely help me out in the future when I need it bro. If the offer still stands  :D
No problem of course! @Luffy  happy breeding!
@Davizz online now! When can we trade?
Oops sorry for noticing now, Give me a sec! @Boomer_Nova
@DinoHunter531 Your Skarmory is available for pick up!
Ok coming online @Davizz
Pokemon Requested: Shiny Rayquaza
Pokemon Deposited: Honedge
Level: 1
Gender: Male
IGN: Xzo
GTS Message - UPC GOTW

IGN: Xzo
Service: Modifications
Pokemon: Mudkip, Ferroseed and Squirtle.
Notes: Shiny, Perfect IVs (All), Adamant nature (Mudkip and Ferroseed), Calm nature for Squirtle and Rain Dish ability ( If you're doing abilities). If possible change Mudkip and Ferroseed's balls to Dream Ball and Blastoise's to Dive Ball.

@xenzeno  Since its an event pokemon, it can't  be traded through the GTS. Please leave your FC instead

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