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Whats Your Pokemon's Nickname?
XD thats good 

I named my Shiny Clawitzer, Zoidberg from Futurama lol :P
Thats real smart, i've always loved Zoidberg, I don't think the show would be the same without him.

I named my Pelliper Plapper and my Salamence Pants. The first because it sounded like a twisted version of Pelliper, and the other because, at the time, Pants was not only funny me but also just seemed to strangely fit
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to
Wow it really does, never noticed that.  Also Pelliper is my favortie pokemon X3

A while back, a friend of mine wanted to give me a Scraggy breedject (it came out female, instead of male like he needed). He asked me if I wanted him to nickname it before he traded it to me. I would've nicknamed it Fred or George if it'd been male, but because it was female, I had him name it Ginny. I blame my nerdiness and Scrafty's red hair. ;D
My Pkmn X Friend Safari - Fire
#1: Growlithe + #2: Larvesta + #3: Braixen
If you don't want your safari info posted, please let me know!
Aipom = Luffy   :D
Funny story actually. I bred a Houndoom to get one with HP Ice to use online, EV trained it in Speed, and what I thought to be Special Attack but realised I'd been farming Whismurs not Spinda >_>. So I released it and re-bred.

It was a Female called Persephone. Thought it was fitting and quite original, so I was pretty annoyed I had messed up like that lol.

My re-bred one was Male so I called it Hades...slightly less creative since I've seen it before.
it's 2022 and we livin
Female Ludicolo named Lupe
Female Hawlucha called Buena Girl I'm pretty sure that one has been done before though.
Male Gyarados called Garu (Based off of the character from the show Pucca but it also sounds like an alternative name for Gyarados).
(May 9, 2016, 10:54 AM)Red Lake Wrote: Funny story actually. I bred a Houndoom to get one with HP Ice to use online, EV trained it in Speed, and what I thought to be Special Attack but realised I'd been farming Whismurs not Spinda >_>. So I released it and re-bred.

It was a Female called Persephone. Thought it was fitting and quite original, so I was pretty annoyed I had messed up like that lol.

My re-bred one was Male so I called it Hades...slightly less creative since I've seen it before.

Yooo, Hades is a sick *** name for Houndoom. Why am I only learning of this now??? Nice.

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