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Need more friend safari
(May 10, 2016, 05:58 PM)nest4321 Wrote: add me pls my friend code is on the left
thanks add me too
I got you, bro. I've added you and I'd be more than happy to be your friend :D. I have no idea how the Friend system works, but my details are to the left should you need them.
I'll add you ^^
(May 13, 2016, 03:36 AM)Nyromath Wrote: I got you, bro. I've added you and I'd be more than happy to be your friend :D. I have no idea how the Friend system works, but my details are to the left should you need them.

Just add the ID to get your new friend for friend safari in XY, if you are your games at the same time and have beaten the E4, then you unlock the third pokemon in the safari.

And when you play the same games you can ask each other to battle/trade.
I'll add you

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