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I first joined so I could try to find some trade partners, but I don't have a lot of places to talk Pokemon so I might stick around a while! I'm just about finished with my live pokedex in Pokebank, I just need a few more event pokemon and I'm not overly bothered without them. I DID finally just get the shiny charm today, I'm super excited! It's the first time I've finished a pokemon game to this extent. 

My next impossible goal is to one-up that and create another live dex, but shiny this time. I'm skipping legends and only going with breedable/encounter-able pokemon for sanity's sake but still. It's going to keep me busy for a pretty long time. 
Does anyone else have any big projects they're working on?
My goal is to steal all of your shinys when youre done KappaHD KappaHD KappaHD
Currently, I'm just trying to condition myself into becoming a high ladder player in all formats as well as make creative sets and teams that stand out from the typical metagame
Welcome and have fun in your shiny filled pokedex! Oh.. and my goal is pretty much the same bu including legendaries.
Welcome I'm just a casual shiny hunter no goal or anything
Life only happens once. Make the most out of it.

I main Tracer for some reason...
My Friend Safari is Flying with Pidgey, Fletchiender and Swanna. Feel free to add me!

Also, my name is Hayden... Why am I Johnnyspyguy?

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