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[TRADE] anybody want to trade?
(May 15, 2016, 08:42 AM)xcr03 Wrote:
(May 14, 2016, 03:57 PM)Flux (Brian) Wrote: Do you Zapdos or Articuno I'd be willing to trade them for shinies.

yes i do! but i only have zapdos (i think) let me check to see if i have an articuno. be back in 1 second!
Ok! Thanks in advanced, I'll add you to my friends and as per usual fc in the left.
Would you be intrested in:
Shiny Flareon, Shiny Jolteon, Shiny Glaceon all 6IVS
Or a victini non shiny.

Im open for any trade pretty much.
(May 14, 2016, 02:03 PM)xcr03 Wrote: i have boxes of legendaries and shinies!   I would love to trade with you can I add you as a friend?
My FC is 2251-8361-0831
(May 14, 2016, 02:29 PM)ForestEmerald Wrote: Do you have a Tornadus or a Palkia? I have a Tornadus if you're interested
Hey guys, is this still going on?

@Cinders Hi, I just saw your post. Do you still have that Tornadus? I really need it.

@xcr03 I just noticed that there is a shiny Chespin on your list. I'm interested, but what would you like for it?
Shiny Chespin  Heart Heart Heart (3/3)
Shiny Arcanine Heart Heart (2/3)

and possibly the shiny Zangoose Heart Heart  (2/3)  ... Cheers!
What do you want for Rayquaza?
Could I get Pichu and Chespin?  I could trade you shiny Mime Jr. and shiny Camerupt.
Will trade UK Darkrai code for US code
(May 14, 2016, 02:03 PM)xcr03 Wrote: i have boxes of legendaries and shinies!
DO YOU HAVE ANY BOX ART LEGENDARIES IM TRYIN TO COMPLETE THE NATIONAL DEX AND WE CAN TRADE THEN TRADE BACK IF THAT'S COOL (i just realized i used caps for most of the message and am too lazy to retype the whole message

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