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[TRADE] LF: Cyndaquil/Typhlosion with HA
For Trade:
Chespin, Tepig, Oshawott, Piplup, Treecko with HA.

Also looking for Totodile/Feralgatr with Ha
I have 2 HA Croconaws. They are both lvl 92, one is German (male) and the other English (female). I also have a lvl 70 female Totodile with 5 IV (-Sp.Att.) with its HA. They all have Adamant nature. Would you be interested in any of those?
(Jun 10, 2016, 09:13 AM)Thalassa Wrote: I have 2 HA Croconaws. They are both lvl 92, one is German (male) and the other English (female). I also have a lvl 70 female Totodile with 5 IV (-Sp.Att.) with its HA. They all have Adamant nature. Would you be interested in any of those?
I'd be interested in the German male Croconaw, maybe breed with one of my ditto for a shiny.

Which of mine would you be interested in?
I'd love a HA Piplup if possible =)
(Jun 10, 2016, 09:25 AM)Thalassa Wrote: I'd love a HA Piplup if possible =)
Of course.  I'm online...

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